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- home > OUTFITS > Kid Doll(MSD :43.5cm) > (Limited Dress Set) Dollmore Kid Size - Count The Rest Thing Clothes Set (White-Ver) - LE20
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(Limited Dress Set) Dollmore Kid Size - Count The Rest Thing Clothes Set (White-Ver) - LE20
- Sales Price
- 75.38USD
- Mileage
- 0.88USD
- Weight
- 0.25 Kg
- Special Note
- * Special Limited Edition - LE20
Total Purchase Amount
* (한정의상) * Ballerina Kid - Count The Rest Thing Sophie - LE20
* Special Limited Edition - LE20
위 아이의 10벌한정으로 제작된 의상입니다.
한정인형이 모두 판매되면 의상판매도 종료됩니다.
개성적이면 매력적인 고급스런 한정의상입니다.
보다 정교하고 특별한 의상을 원하시는 분들께 추천드립니다.
키즈 뿐만 아니라 발레리나 키즈에게도 잘 맞는 의상입니다.
* 의상구성 : 원피스, 머리끈(끈길이 약 28cm), 양말
----------------------------------------------------------------- * (Limited Doll Dress) * Ballerina Kid - Count The Rest Thing Sophie - LE20 * Special Limited Edition - LE20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Ballerina Kid - Count The Rest Thing Sophie - LE20 This is one of the limited edition clothes set for Dollmore Kid Girl Dolls. It is a luxurious limited-edition clothes set. We made 20 set of this clothes set only. If you want to buy high quality clothes set for your doll, we recommend you buy this clothes set. If we sell out this clothes set, then we will stop to sell [Ballerina Kid - Count The Rest Thing Heizle - LE10] at the same time. Doll of the photo will not ship together. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Clothes set Included: dress, head string ( string length is about 28cm), socks * 사진의 신발은 구성에 포함되지 않습니다. * 바로 배송 가능합니다. * 본제품은 위 인형을 포함하지 않으며 인형이 포함된 구성으로 별도 판매중입니다. * 모델아이의 몸사이즈이니 참고 바랍니다. ** * Ballerina Kid Doll Size 1. Tall (전체키) : 46cm 2. Body length not include a head (바디높이) : 40.5cm 3. Length from hip to knee (엉덩이~무릎길이) : 11.5cm 4. Length from knee to calf (무릎~ 복숭아뼈) : 10cm 5. Circumference of neck (목둘레) : 6.5cm 6. Width of shoulders (어깨넓이) : 5.5cm 7. Circumference of chest (가슴둘레) : 17.5cm 8. Circumference of waist (허리둘레) : 14.5cm 9. Circumference of hips (엉덩이둘레) : 19.5cm 10. Circumference of Wrist (손목둘레) : 4.5cm 11. Length from shoulder to wrist include a wrist ball (어깨~손목구) : 14cm 12. Circumference of ankle (발목둘레) : 6cm 13. Length from hip to Heel (엉덩이~발뒤꿈치) : 22.5cm / 발가락끝까지 26.5cn 14. Length of Foot size : 5.8 cm * 디자인 등록출원 : 제 2006-50002호* Notice : If you buy this dress set, we can ship it to you within 1 business day. Doll of the photo will not ship together. Shoes of the photo will not ship together. * Ballerina Kid Doll body Size 1. Tall : 46cm == 18.1 inch 2. Body length not include a head : 40.5cm == 15.9 inch 3. Length from hip to knee: 11.5cm == 4.5 inch 4. Length from knee to calf : 10cm == 3.9 inch 5. Circumference of neck: 6.5cm == 2.5 inch 6. Width of shoulders : 5.5cm == 2.1 inch 7. Circumference of chest : 17.5cm == 6.8 inch 8. Circumference of waist : 14.5cm == 5.7 inch 9. Circumference of hips : 19.5cm == 7.6 inch 10. Circumference of Wrist: 4.5cm == 1.7 inch 11. Length from shoulder to wrist include a wrist ball: 14cm == 5.5 inch 12. Circumference of ankle: 6cm == 2.3 inch 13. Length from hip to Heel: 22.5cm == 8.8 inch / to the end of toes 26.5cm == 10.4 inch 14. Length of Foot size : 5.8 cm == 2.2 inch * Design registration No. 2006-50002 |