- Product Classification List
Kid Dollmore Girl - Vian
- Sales Price
- 215.38USD
- Mileage
- 2.52USD
- Weight
- 4.60 Kg
- Special Note
- * Height: 43.5cm, assembled product
- Face Make-up :
- Sanding Service :
- Body Make-up :
- Skin Color :
Total Purchase Amount
* Kid Dollmore Girl - Vian
사랑스럽고 고풍스런 느낌을 주는 매혹적인 비앙입니다.^^
사랑스런 비앙은 우유를 좋아하고 핑크색을 좋아하며
포도나무아래서 낮잠자는것을 좋아해요.
비앙의 나이는 10살, 사랑스런 소녀랍니다.^^
* 구성 : 헤드 & 바디(노메이크업 & 조립완제품). 아크릴안구(14mm, 색상은 램덤),
가발(램덤발송), 박스, 솜이불 2장, 디폴트 속옷.
*Kid Dollmore Girl - Vian She is a lovely girl of 10. Vian. There is something attractive and often arrogant about her face, but she is a sensitive girl who likes to drink milk and love pink and After lunch, she likes to nap under a tree. Girl Vian is just adorable. * Included - no make-up normal head - assembled normal body - acrylic eyes(14mm, Random color), wig (random) - default underwear - box, cushion, COA * if you want the specific eyes, wig for him, please put a memo for them on "order comments" * if you have a specific make-up style and tone that you want, please let me know, it's possible.^^ * if you want the specific eyes, wig for him, please put a memo them in "order comments" * Kid Dollmore Boy - Asha's Body Size - Height : 43.5cm - Head :18.6cm (7-8inch sized wigs fit well) - Eyes : 14mm or 16mm - Neck : 7.6cm - Bust : 18cm - Shoulder : 6.5cm - Weist :15.5cm - Hip : 18.5cm - Foot : 6.0cm * Information about order and shipment - As based on 'Production after order' system, your order can't be canceled, after paying. - The shipping date may be delayed a little more on hand-made work. Seek your understanding. - In general, It takes about 80 days or a little longer days to make a ball jointed doll. * payment 1. Paypal - Dollmore will send you a invoice via paypal.^^ 2. Eximbay( credit card ) 3. Bank transfer. If you want to make layaway payment, select bank transfer payment method to complete your order. I will send PayPal invoice to you with partial payment option. If you have trouble to make payment, select bank transfer payment method in advance. I will send PayPal invoice to you and send email to you to help you make payment. * 가발은 램덤발송이지만 원하시는 가발이 있다면 돌모아가발중에서 고르신후 주문서에 메모남겨주시기 바랍니다.^^ 되도록 맞춰서 배송해드리도록 하겠습니다.^^ * 사진은 메이크업이 된 모습으로 메이크업을 원하시면 옵션을 선택해주세요.^^ * 주문제작방식으로 결제후 제작이 이미 시작된 아이는 주문취소가 불가능합니다.^^ * 배송은 주문후 2일에서 15일사이에 발송해 드립니다.^^ * Kid Dollmore Girl - Vian Size - 키(Height): 43.5cm - 머리둘레(Head):18.7cm (7-8 인치가발이 잘맞습니다.^^) - 안구(Eyes): 14mm - 목둘레(Neck): 7.6cm - 가슴둘레(Bust): 18cm - 어깨너비(Shoulder) : 6.5cm - 허리둘레(Weist):15.5cm - 엉덩이둘레(Hip): 18.5cm - 발(Foot) : 6.0cm * Styling Tip 1. Vian(여아) 가발 (7-8) Bangs + Straight (D.Wine Brown) 안구 D - Basic 14mm Glass Eye (HA04) 의상 MSD - Tom's Hood Shirt (Red) 2. Vian(여아) 가발 (7-8) Long sobazu (DK.Blond) (사진상 가발이나 품절되었습니다. 유사한것으로는 (7-8) Friendly Sobazu Wig (Blonde)이 있습니다.) 안구 D - Basic 14mm Glass Eye (Y35) 의상 MSD - Cream Rose Dress Set 신발 MSD - Adonis Shoes (White) |