- Product Classification List
Kid Dollmore Girl - Miro
- Sales Price
- 215.38USD
- Mileage
- 2.52USD
- Weight
- 4.60 Kg
- Special Note
- * Height: 43.5cm, assembled product
- Face Make-up :
- Sanding Service :
- Body Make-up :
- Skin Color :
Total Purchase Amount
* Kid Dollmore Girl - Miro
동양적인 눈매에 귀여운 입술을 가진
목소리가 작고 늘 조용하고 생각이 많은 귀여운 소녀입니다.
친구가 별로 없지만 오래된 단짝친구가 있어서 늘 행복합니다.
나이는 10살, 수줍음 많은 소녀랍니다.^^
* 구성 : 헤드 & 바디(노메이크업 & 조립완제품). 아크릴안구(14mm, 색상은 램덤),
가발(램덤발송), 박스, 솜이불 2장, 디폴트 속옷.
* Kid Dollmore Girl - Miro here is a shy girl - Miro with a gentle voice, oriental eyes and lovely lips.. so, she has few friends, but she is lucky to have her best friend who can open her heart.... about her dream and secret..^^ I hope you and I can be best friends for everlasting....... * organization - no make-up head - assembled Normal body - acrylic eyes(14mm, Random color), wig (random) - default underwear - box, cushion, COA * if you want the specific eyes, wig for her, please put a memo for them in "order comments" * if you have a specific make-up style and tone that you want, please let me know, it's possible.^^ * 가발은 램덤발송이지만 원하시는 가발이 있다면 돌모아가발중에서 고르신후 주문서에 메모남겨주시기 바랍니다.^^ 되도록 맞춰서 배송해드리도록 하겠습니다.^^ * 사진은 메이크업이 된 모습으로 메이크업을 원하시면 옵션을 선택해주세요.^^ * 주문제작방식으로 결제후 제작이 이미 시작된 아이는 주문취소가 불가능합니다.^^ * 배송은 주문후 2일에서 15일사이에 발송해 드립니다.^^ * Kid Dollmore Girl - Miro Size - 키(Height): 43.5cm - 머리둘레(Head):18.7cm (7-8 인치가발이 잘맞습니다.^^) - 안구(Eyes): 14mm - 목둘레(Neck): 7.6cm - 가슴둘레(Bust): 18cm - 어깨너비(Shoulder) : 6.5cm - 허리둘레(Weist):15.5cm - 엉덩이둘레(Hip): 18.5cm - 발(Foot) : 6.0cm* Kid Dollmore Girl - Miro There is a shy girl - Miro with a gentle voice, oriental eyes and lovely lips.. so, she has few friends, but she is lucky to have her best friend who can open her heart.... about her dream and secret..^^ I hope you and I can be best friends for everlasting....... * Included - no make-up head - assembled Normal body - acrylic eyes(14mm, Random color), wig (random) - default underwear - box, cushion, COA * if you want the specific eyes, wig for her, please put a memo for them in "order comments" * if you have a specific make-up style and tone that you want, please let me know, it's possible.^^ * Kid Dollmore Girl - Miro body - Height : 43.5cm - Head :19.5cm (7-8inch sized wigs fit well) - Eyes : 14mm - Neck : 7.6cm - Bust : 18cm - Shoulder : 6.5cm - Weist :15.5cm - Hip : 18.5cm - Foot : 6.0cm * Information about order and shipment - As based on 'Production after order' system, your order can't be canceled, after paying. - The shipping date may be delayed a little more on hand-made work. Seek your understanding. - In general, It takes about 80 days or a little longer days to make a ball jointed doll. * payment 1. Paypal - Dollmore will send you a invoice via paypal.^^ 2. Paygate (direct credit card payment) 3. Bank transfer. |