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Kid Dollmore Girl - Captain Play : Paran - LE15
- Sales Price
- 360.00USD
- Mileage
- 4.21USD
- Weight
- 4.60 Kg
- Special Note
- * Special Limited Edition- LE15
- Skin Color :
Total Purchase Amount
* Kid Dollmore Girl - Captain Play : Paran - LE15
오늘은 해적선의 선장이 되어서 즐거운 놀이를 해보아요~!
멋진 카드놀이도 해보고 키를 맘껏 돌려보기도 합니다.
레드와 블랙의 상큼한 조화가 돋보이는 의상이 참 멋지네요.
판타지적인 모습으로 15체 한정으로 다시 태어났어요.
신비로운 눈매에 아름다운 의상이 매혹적이네요.^^
* 구성:
- 노말파란헤드와 노말바디한체 (가발, 안구, 메이크업포함)
- 여아의상구성 : 모자,목초커,블라우스,치마,반바지,양말,부츠
- 솜이불 2장 + 박스 + 보증서.
* Kid Dollmore Girl - Captain Play : Paran - LE15 From now on, It's time to play pirates~! Let's pretend we are pirates who found a treasure chest by luck. They are turnning the helm and playing cards together~ Would you want to play with us? ^^ The LE edition fashion shows us a perfect harmony of red and black. It is limited worldwide to ONLY 15 pieces. ^^ * Included make-up normal skin Paran head assembled normal skin body eyes, wig outfit set : hat, choker, blouse, skirt, shorts, socks, boots box, cushion, COA * Kid Doll Body Size - Height : 43.5cm - Head :18.7cm (7-8inch sized wigs fit well) - Eyes : 14mm - Neck : 7.6cm - Bust : 18cm - Shoulder : 6.5cm - Weist :15.5cm - Hip : 18.5cm - Foot : 6.0cm * order and shipping info 1. from order to shipping : order -> payment -> production/shipping so, you cann't cancel or return goods becase of order production system. 2. By starting from payment (not order date), it will be shipped within 50~70 days. but according to options(body blusing,sanding service), it may be take more. ^^ * payment 1. Paypal - Dollmore will send you a invoice via paypal.^^ 2. Paygate (direct credit card payment) 3. Bank transfer. * 주문제작방식으로 결제후 제작이 이미 시작된 아이는 주문취소가 불가능합니다.^^ * 배송은 수작업 제작으로 다소 작업이 지연되기도 합니다. 양해바랍니다. * Kid Dollmore Girl - Paran Size - 키(Height): 43.5cm - 머리둘레(Head):17cm - 안구(Eyes): 14mm - 목둘레(Neck): 7.6cm - 가슴둘레(Bust): 18cm - 어깨너비(Shoulder) : 6.5cm - 허리둘레(Weist):15.5cm - 엉덩이둘레(Hip): 18.5cm - 발(Foot) : 6.0cm |