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Dollpire Kid Boy - Awesome White : Shiloh - LE10
- Sales Price
- 383.85USD
- Mileage
- 4.49USD
- Weight
- 5.00 Kg
- Special Note
- * Special Limited Edition- LE10
- Skin Color :
Total Purchase Amount
* Dollpire Kid Boy - Awesome White : Shiloh - LE10
창가에 매달은 리본이 몹시 강한 바람에 몸을 떤다.
작고 빛나는 높은 창끝으로 까마득히 보이는 아주 작은 하얀새.
바람보다 강인한게 신기하다.
내가 와있는 곳은 온통 흰빛으로 가득해.
방안도 하얗고 내드레스도 하얗고 나도 하얗다.
난 피가 모두 증발해버린듯 충격적으로 새하얗다.
보랏빛하늘, 청록리본, 하얀새.
최면을 걸듯 반복적으로 움직이는 리본의 떨림.
까마득한 그곳에 닿지 않는 기억.
흔들리는 의식.
한점 빛처럼 흩어지는 자아.
오래된 추억속의 나.
잊혀진 유년.
오늘밤 나는 죽음과의 결혼.
* 구성 : 샬로 미백헤드(메이크업포함), 돌모아키즈 미백바디(뱀파이어 손파츠),
글라스안구, 가발, 의상셋트, 박스, 솜이불2장, 보증서.
* 의상구성 : 코트, 조끼, 셔츠, 바지, 속옷, 목장식, 양말, 부츠.
* 가발 : (7-8) Transfor Cut (White)
* 신발 : MSD - Trouper Boots (White)
* 안구 : D - Specials 14mm Eyes(HF22)
The ribbon hanging from the window flutters in the strong wind. Beyond the shiny reflection of the small windows lies tiny white bird far away. It is surprising that the bird is stronger than the wind. The place where I am staying is filled with the white light. The room is white, my dress is white, I am also white. I'm shockingly white like the blood is drained out of my body. A violet sky, a blue-green ribbon, a white bird. The ribbon is repeatedly fluttering with the same movement as if it's hypnotized. Still only the lost memory lies here. Waving consciousness. My scattered self like bright light Myself in the old memory of a forgotten childhood Tonight, I will vow my marriage to death. * Included: shiloh white skin head(make up), assembled white body ( vampire hands), glass eyes, wig, clothes set, box, 2 cushions, warranty * Clothes set: coat, vest, shirts, pants, belt, underwear, neck accessory, socks, boots * Wig : (7-8) Transfor Cut (White) * Shoes : MSD - Trouper Boots (White) * Eyes : D - Specials 14mm Eyes(HF22) * 주문제작방식으로 결제후 제작이 이미 시작된 아이는 주문취소가 불가능합니다.^^ * 배송은 수작업 제작으로 다소 작업이 지연되기도 합니다. 양해바랍니다. ==> Dollpire Kid Boy Size - Awesome White : Shiloh 1. Tall (전체키) : 43.5cm 2. Body length not include a head (바디높이) : 남아 38cm /여아 37.5cm 3. Length from hip to knee (엉덩이~무릎길이) : 11cm 4. Length from knee to calf (무릎~ 복숭아뼈) : 10.5cm 5. Circumference of neck (목둘레) : 남아6.8cm / 여아 6.7cm 6. Width of shoulders (어깨넓이) : 6cm 7. Circumference of chest (가슴둘레) : 남아17cm / 여아17.5cm 8. Circumference of waist (허리둘레) : 14.5cm 9. Circumference of hips (엉덩이둘레) : 19cm 10. Circumference of Wrist (손목둘레) : 4.5cm 11. Length from shoulder to wrist include a wrist ball (어깨~손목구) : 14cm 12. Circumference of ankle (발목둘레) : 6.2cm 13. Length from hip to Heel (엉덩이~발뒤꿈치) : 23.5cm 14. Length of Foot size : 6cm * 디자인 등록출원 : 제 2006-50002호* Dollpire Kid Body Size 1. Tall: 43.5cm 2. Body length not include a head : Boy 38cm /Girl 37.5cm 3. Length from hip to knee : 11cm 4. Length from knee to calf: 10.5cm 5. Circumference of neck : Boy 6.8cm / Girl 6.7cm 6. Width of shoulders : 6cm 7. Circumference of chest : Boy 17cm / Girl 17.5cm 8. Circumference of waist : 14.5cm 9. Circumference of hips : 19cm 10. Circumference of Wrist : 4.5cm 11. Length from shoulder to wrist include a wrist ball : 14cm 12. Circumference of ankle : 6.2cm 13. Length from hip to Heel: 23.5cm 14. Length of Foot size : 6cm *For information about order and shipping - As based on 'Production after order' system, your order can't be canceled, after paying. - The shipping date may be delayed a little more on hand-made work. Seek your understanding. - In general, It takes about 1-2 months from the date of your payment. * Payment method 1. Paypal - Dollmore will send you a invoice via paypal. (help@dollmore.net/necking@dollmore.com) 2. Eximbay (direct credit card payment) 3. Bank transfer. - Bank name: Korea first Bank - Account: 431-20-243375 - Recipient: lee eun young) - Bank tel: 82- 2- 521- 9252 - Bank address : KOREA FIRST BANK 1675-1 Seochodong Seochogu Seoul 137-070 Korea Gyodaeyeok Br. - SWT code : SCBLKRSE Design registration No. 2006-50002 |