- Product Classification List
Bebe Doll Girl - kitty Kitchen : Anjou - LE10
- Sales Price
- 261.54USD
- Mileage
- 3.06USD
- Weight
- 0.80 Kg
- Special Note
- * Special Limited Edition - LE10
- Skin Color :
Total Purchase Amount
* Bebe Doll Girl - kitty' Kitchen : Anjou - LE10
* Special Limited Edition - LE10
고양이 하얀 손바닥에 하얀 밀가루를 뿌려주고
호호 날려서 호빵을 만든다.
노란털 고양이 등을 살살 문질러
고롱고롱 소리를 내게 해서 뜸들인 노란 스플레.
폭신폭신 살짝 눈을 떠 바라보는
너는 호박색 눈을 가진 젓소 고양이.
꽉 안아주고 싶은 토실토실 내사랑 고양이.
* 구성 : 헤드 & 바디(메이크업포함/조립완제품/손파츠 두쌍). 안구와 의상, 구두, 보증서, 박스, 솜이불 2장.
* 의상구성 : 동물 귀모자 , 원피스 , 앞치마 , 스타킹
* 안구 : 12mm - Optical Half Round Acrylic Eyes (SE-10)
* 가발 : (5) Sayomi Mohair Wig (Carrot)
* 신발 : 반지신발- 꽃장식단화 (Black)
* Bebe Doll Girl - kitty' Kitchen : Anjou - LE10 * Special Limited Edition - LE10 Dip small cat's hands in white flour Breathe white flour to make a cute hoppang Rub backs of yellow cat to let cat make gorong gorong voice Suddently, that cat open it's eyes to see me silently I fall in love with cat's yellow eyes You are the most cute eyes with yellow eyes I embrace this cute and fat cat . You are my true love, my fat cat. * Included: head ( makeup)&Body( body assembled, 2 pair of hands parts), eyes, costume set, shoes, COA, doll box, 2 cushions * Costume Set: animal ear hat, long dress, apron, stockings * Eyes : 12mm - Optical Half Round Acrylic Eyes (SE-10) * Wig : (5) Sayomi Mohair Wig (Carrot) * Shoes : Banji Size - Flower low shoes (Black) * 손파츠는 두쌍이 가며 손교체는 보는바와같이 당겨서 살짝 돌려주시면 고정이 되요. 이렇게 고정한후 손쉽게 S고리릉 이용해서 교체가 가능합니다.^^* We will ship 2 pair of hands set when we ship sweety doll to you. You are able to exchange hands parts for the doll like the method of following photo. Pull out hands slightly and exchange new hands parts using S-hook. * 주문제작방식으로 결제후 주문취소가 불가능합니다.^^ * 본인형은 핸드메이드 제작작품으로 주문후 50일에서 80일정도 제작시간이 소요되며 옵션이나 주문시기나 제작사의 사정에 따라서 조금 더 빨리 배송되거나 늦어질수 있습니다. 고운 아이를 위한 소중한 제작시간인만큼 넓은 맘으로 이해부탁드립니다. * Bebe Doll - Anjou Size ---------------------------------------------------------- * Eye size : 12mm (Diameter) * Tall : 14.5cm * Circumference of Head(헤드둘레) : 14cm * Circumference of neck(목둘레) : 4.5cm * Width of shoulders(어깨넓이) : 2.7cm * Circumference of chest(가슴둘레) : 8cm * Length from shoulder to wrist include a wrist ball (어깨~손목구) : 4cm * Circumference of Wrist(손목둘레) : 2.5cm * Circumference of waist(허리둘레) : 9cm * Circumference of hips(엉덩이둘레) : 10cm * Lenth of "from hips to ankle"(엉덩이~발목) : 5cm * Lenth of "from knee to ankle"(무릎~발목) : 2cm * Circumference of ankle (발목둘레) : 3.5cm (발볼 : 1cm) * Foot size : 2cm * Weight : 75g ---------------------------------------------------------- * 호환안내 * 의상 : 포켓사이즈, 라티돌등 15cm내외의 체형이 비슷한 아이들의 옷이 잘맞습니다. * 신발 : 블라이스, 모모꼬등 12인치돌 신발들과 포켓사이즈 신발들이 대부분 잘맞습니다. * 디자인 등록출원 : 제 2006-50002호* Purchase of this doll is final. It is impossible to cancel or exchange after we start to make dolls. * Information about order and shipment - As based on 'Production after order' system, your order can't be canceled, after paying. - The shipping date may be delayed a little more on hand-made work. Seek your understanding. - In general, It takes about 80 days or a little longer days to make a ball jointed doll. * Bebe Doll Body Size ---------------------------------------------------------- * Eye size : 12mm (Diameter) * Tall : 14.5cm * Circumference of Head : 14cm * Circumference of neck : 4.5cm * Width of shoulders : 2.7cm * Circumference of chest : 8cm * Length from shoulder to wrist include a wrist ball : 4cm * Circumference of Wrist : 2.5cm * Circumference of waist : 9cm * Circumference of hips : 10cm * Lenth of "from hips to ankle" : 5cm * Lenth of "from knee to ankle" : 2cm * Circumference of ankle : 3.5cm ( Foot Width : 1cm) * Foot size : 2cm * Weight : 75g ---------------------------------------------------------- * Size Compatible * Clothes Size: This doll wears same clothes as Pocket size dolls, latti size dolls with 15cm(6 inch) high. * Shoes: This doll wears same shoes as blythe, 12" fashion doll and pocket size dolls. * Design Register: 2006-50002 |