- Product Classification List
Dear Doll Girl - Lullaby Mong-a - LE10
- Sales Price
- 280.77USD
- Mileage
- 3.29USD
- Weight
- 2.50 Kg
- Special Note
- * Special Limited Edition- LE10
- Skin Color :
Total Purchase Amount
* Dear Doll Girl - Lullaby Mong-a - LE10
살며시 내려온 잠나비가 내 눈을 간지러 뜨려요.
작은 기도를 들어주셨는지
귓가로 다가오네요.
하지만 아무말도 들리지 않아요.
제가 듣지 못하는걸까요?
이렇게 다시 아무것도 듣지 못하고
그냥 아침이 된다면 너무 슬플거같아요.
그 나비가 엄마였는지 그냥 나비였는지 영원히 알수없을테니까요.
많은 분들이 기다리시던 관절바디의 몽아가 탄생했어요.
구기윤 작가님의 작품 아름다운 몽아를
돌모아의 디어돌 관절바디와 콜라보레이션하여
새롭고 아름다운 모습으로 재탄생시켰습니다.
많은 관심 바래요.^^
* 구성 : 헤드 & 바디(메이크업포함 & 조립완제품). 안구, 가발, 의상, 신발, 박스, 솜이불 2장.
* 의상구성 : 보닛, 드레스, 패티코트, 양말.
* 안구 : 12mm Classic Flat Back Oval Glass Eyes (CC03)
* 가발 : (7) Soft Wave Wig (Carrot)/ 램덤발송됩니다.
* 신발 : Dear Doll Size - Basic Girl Shoes (White)
* 참고 : 기본구성은 편손으로 주먹손 파츠는 구성에 포함되지 않으며 별도구매 가능합니다.
* Dear Doll Girl - Lullaby Mong-a - LE10 ======================================================== A butterfly tickle my eyes It seems that this small butterfly hear my prayer so it fly close to my ears. However, i cannot hear anything. May be i am dull of hearing? I feel very sad because i cannot hear anything from butterfly. It is impossible for me to know whether butterfly is my mother or not because i cannnot hear anything now. ======================================================== Many fans wait mong-a doll with joint body. Mong-a Doll head is designed by Koo Ki yoon and collabrate with dollmore dear doll joint body. Hope many fans love mong-a doll with joint doll body. * Included: Head ( Make-up), Body(assembled), Eyes, Wig, Clothes set, Shoes, Box, 2 Cushions * Clothes Set: bonnet, dress, petticoat, socks * Eyes : 12mm Classic Flat Back Oval Glass Eyes (CC03) * Wig : (Random) (7) Soft Wave Wig (Carrot) * Shoes : Dear Doll Size - Basic Girl Shoes (White) * Notice 1: Fist hand parts on the photo will not ship together. If you want fist hand parts, you should buy it seperately. * Notice 2: Doll on the photo has make up service. Doll will be shipped the same face, clothes, wig and shoes on the photo. * 사진은 메이크업이 된 모습으로 의상과 가발, 신발등이 모두 포함된 구성으로 갑니다. * 주문제작방식으로 결제후 제작이 이미 시작된 아이는 주문취소가 불가능합니다. * 배송은 주문후 제작하여 공휴일을 제외한 영업일기준으로 한달내외로 발송해 드립니다. * 모든 제작과정은 수작업으로 진행되며 주문시기에 따라서 일정은 다소 당겨지거나 지연될수있습니다. * Dear Doll Mong-a Size - 키(Height): 26.5cm - 머리둘레(Head): 17cm (6-7인치 가발이 잘 맞아요 ^^) - 안구(Eyes): 12mm - 목둘레(Neck): 6cm - 가슴둘레(Bust): 13.5cm - 어깨너비(Shoulder) : 6.5cm - 허리둘레(Weist): 13cm - 엉덩이둘레(Hip): 14.5cm - 발(Foot) : 3.7cm - 어깨에서 손끝 : 10.5cm - 허리에서 발끝 : 13cm - 엉덩이에서 발끝 : 11cm * Head Design & sculpted by Koo Ki yoon * Body Design & sculpted by Dollmore * Costume Design : Ajumapama<< order and shipping info >> 1. from order to shipping : order -> payment -> production/shipping so, you can't cancel or return goods becase of order production system. 2. By starting from payment (not order date), it will be shipped after about 1~2 months. but according to options(body blusing,sanding service), it may be delayed a little more.. << body size >> - Height: 26.5cm - Head :17cm (6-7inch sized wigs fit well) - Eyes : 12mm - Neck : 6cm - Bust : 13.5cm - Shoulders : 6.5cm - Waist :13cm - Hip : 14.5cm - Foot : 3.7cm - From shoulders to fingertip : 10.5cm - From shoulders to foot : 13cm - From hips to foot : 11cm ---------------------------------------------------------- * Payment method 1. Paypal - Dollmore will send you an invoice via paypal.^^ help@dollmore.net 2. Eximbay (direct credit card payment) 3. Bank transfer. - Bank name: standard chartered bank korea limited - Account: 431-20-243375 - Recipient: lee eun young - Bank tel: 82- 2- 521- 9252 - Bank address : standard chartered bank korea limited 1675-1 Seochodong Seochogu Seoul 137-070 Korea ( Gyodaeyeok Br. ) - SWT code : SCBLKRSE --------------------------------------------------- * Head Design & sculpted by Koo Ki yoon * Body Design & sculpted by Dollmore * Costume Design : Ajumapama * Design Registration : 2006-50002 * Design Patent: 0162757 |