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Model Doll F - Mione Wixson
- Sales Price
- 423.08USD
- Mileage
- 4.95USD
- Weight
- 9.90 Kg
- Special Note
- * Height: 67cm, fully assembled.
- Face Make-up :
- Sanding Service :
- Body Make-up :
- Skin Color :
Total Purchase Amount
* Model Doll F - Mione Wixson
설레어 꺼내보지 못했던
작고 예쁜 상자안의
하얀가루가 가득묻은 단단하고 고운 색깔의 사탕을
손에쥔 기분이야.
너의 햐안 얼굴은 하얀 가루가 묻어날것처럼 새하얗고
부드럽고 섬세하고 만질수없을거같은 신비로움이 묻어나지.
내 이름을 말해도 될까?
네가 들어만 준다고 해도 난
너무 두근거려서 아무말도 못할거같은데......
멀어져가는 네 뒷모습이 꽃잎에 가려져 흐려져서
휘날리는 꽃잎이 야속하구나.
미온윅스를 소개합니다.
아름답고 신비로운 눈매와 입술이
마치 금방이라도 말을 걸어올거같아요.
사랑스런 미온을 많이 많이 사랑해주세요~
* 구성 : '미온'의 헤드, 모델돌 바디, 돌모아안구(색상랜덤), 박스, 보증서.
* 참고 : 2024년 12월부터 모델돌과 글래머 모델돌의 포장이 변경됩니다.
솜 이불을 위아래로 넣는 기존의 포장방법 대신
인형의 위아래로 스티로폼과 원단을 이용한 포장 방식으로 포장을 변경합니다.
보다 안전한 포장을 위한 조치로 많은 이해와 사랑 부탁드립니다.
* Model Doll F - Mione Wixson -------------------------------------------------------- My heart was flutters with fright such as i get very beautiful candy that has a lot of white sweet powder. Your face is too white which seems to be paint by white powder. Your face is very soft and mysterious. Hello May i tell you my name? If you want to hear my name, i may too flutters to tell you my name. The sight of your back is slowly covered by flying flowers. How badly of this flying flowers to cover your back sight! -------------------------------------------------------- We recommend Mione Wixson for our members. She has very beautiful and mysterious eyes and lips. Hope many members love her. * Included: "mio"head, model doll body, random acrylic dollmore eyes(color random), box, COA * Notice: Starting from December 2024, the packaging method for Model Dolls and Glamour Model Dolls will be updated. Instead of the current method of placing cotton blankets above and below the dolls, we will switch to a packaging method using styrofoam and fabric at the top and bottom of the dolls. This change is intended to provide safer packaging. We kindly ask for your understanding and continued support. * 모델돌 미온의 사진속의 스타일링 팁 #01. * 의상 : Model F - Purity Dress Set * 안구 : D - Specials 14mm Eyes(DS09) * 가발 : (7-8) Cleopatra Long Wig (Black) * 신발 : Model Doll F(high heels) Shoes - Basic Shoes (White) #02. * 의상 : Model F - Easy Long Shirt (White) Model F Size - Sexy Lacy Set (White) * 안구 : D - Specials 14mm Eyes(DS09) * 가발 : (7-8) NHG Sobazu Wig (L.Brown) * 신발 : Model Doll F(high heels) Shoes - Basic Shoes (White) * 주문제작방식으로 결제후 제작이 이미 시작된 아이는 주문취소가 불가능합니다. * 제작기간은 영업일기준으로 한달내외로 주문시기나 옵션에 따라서 지연될수있습니다. * 배송일은 수작업제작으로 다소 작업이 지연되어 좀더 지연되기도 하니 양해바랍니다. * 안구색상은 아크릴계 안구를 램덤발송하고 있습니다. 원하시는 색상이 있는 경우 주문시 메모주세요.^^ * 사진은 메이크업이 된 모습으로 메이크업을 원하시면 옵션을 선택해주세요.^^ ** Model Doll - Mione size 1. Tall (전체키) : 66.5cm 2. Body length not include a head (바디높이) : 59.5cm 3. Length from hip to knee (엉덩이~무릎길이) : 19cm 4. Length from knee to calf (무릎~ 복숭아뼈) : 18.5cm 5. Circumference of neck (목둘레) : 7.7cm 6. Width of shoulders (어깨넓이) : 8.5cm 7. Circumference of chest (가슴둘레) : 25cm 8. Circumference of waist (허리둘레) : 17.5cm 9. Circumference of hips (엉덩이둘레) : 28cm 10. Circumference of Wrist (손목둘레) : 5cm 11. Length from shoulder to wrist include a wrist ball (어깨~손목구) : 20cm 12. Circumference of ankle (발목둘레) : 7cm 13. Length from hip to Heel (엉덩이~발뒤꿈치) : 39.5cm 14. Length of Foot size : 7.5cm * 디자인 등록출원 : 제 2006-50002호* Information about order and shipment - As based on 'Production after order' system, your order can't be canceled, after paying. - The shipping date may be delayed a little more on hand-made work. Seek your understanding. - In general, It takes about 80 days or a little longer days to make a ball jointed doll. * Notice 1: Eyes and wig will ship based on random condition. If you want to specify the wig and eyes, please leave memo on the comment section when you make order. * Notice 2:The doll on the photo with make up. If you want to receive the doll's face same as the photo, please select default make up option. * Style Tip #01. * Clothes : Model F - Purity Dress Set * Eyes : D - Specials 14mm Eyes(DS09) * Wig : (7-8) Cleopatra Long Wig (Black) * Shoes : Model Doll F(high heels) Shoes - Basic Shoes (White) #02. * Clothes : Model F - Easy Long Shirt (White) Model F Size - Sexy Lacy Set (White) * Eyes : D - Specials 14mm Eyes(DS09) * Wig : (7-8) NHG Sobazu Wig (L.Brown) * Shoes : Model Doll F(high heels) Shoes - Basic Shoes (White) ** Model Doll - Mione size 1. Tall : 66.5cm 2. Body length not include a head : 59.5cm 3. Length from hip to knee : 19cm 4. Length from knee to calf : 18.5cm 5. Circumference of neck : 7.7cm 6. Width of shoulders : 8.5cm 7. Circumference of chest : 25cm 8. Circumference of waist : 17.5cm 9. Circumference of hips : 28cm 10. Circumference of Wrist : 5cm 11. Length from shoulder to wrist include a wrist ball : 20cm 12. Circumference of ankle : 7cm 13. Length from hip to Heel : 39.5cm 14. Length of Foot size : 7.5cm * payment 1. Paypal - Dollmore will send you a invoice via paypal.^^ 2. Paygate (direct credit card payment) 3. Bank transfer. - Bank name: standard chartered bank korea limited - Account: 431-20-243375 - Recipient: lee eun young - Bank tel: 82- 2- 521- 9252 - Bank address : standard chartered bank korea limited 1675-1 Seochodong Seochogu Seoul 137-070 Korea ( Gyodaeyeok Br. ) - SWT code : SCBLKRSE Design registration No. 2006-50002 |