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Masterpiece Line
Dollpire Doll
Fantasy Line
Model Line
Youth Line
Kid Line
Fashion Line
Head&body Sold Separately
Acrylic Eyes
Silicone Eyes
Silicone Eyes
Resin Eyes
Contemporary Eyes
Special Mono Eyes
Cat Eyes
My Self Eyes
Special Eyes
Eye Case
13-14 inches[Lusion&Trinity]
9 inches [Blythe]
8-9 inches[SD& Model]
8 inches [Zaoll]
7-8 inches [MSD&Kid]
7-8 inches [Catish]
7 inches [USD&Narsha]
6-7 inches [USD&Dear]
5 inches [Bebe Size]
4-5 inches [16"Fashion]
3-4 inches[12"Fashion]
3 inches [Banji]
Trinity Doll(110cm)
Lusion Doll(78cm)
Illua Doll(48cm)
Glamor Model(72cm)
Model Doll F(67cm)
Model Doll M(70cm)
Glamor Eve Doll(59cm)
Youth Doll F&M Common
Youth Doll F(57cm)
Youth Doll M(60cm)
Zaoll Doll(52cm)
Alex Doll(47cm)
Judith Doll(44.5cm)
Kid Doll(MSD :43.5cm)
Grace Doll(41cm)
Mokashura Doll(40.5cm)
Narsha Doll(35cm)
Mona Doll(27cm)
Dear Doll(USD : 26cm)
I Doll(21.5cm)
Banji Doll(14.5cm)
Bebe Doll(14.5cm)
16" Fashion Doll F(42cm)
16" Fashion Doll M(43cm)
12" Fashion Doll(34cm)
Trinity Size
Lusion Size
Illua Size
Mokashura Size
Glamor Model Doll Size
Model Doll M&F Size
SD Size
Zaoll Size
MSD Size
Narsha Size
Dear Doll Size
16" Fashion Model Doll Size
12" Fashion Model Doll Size
Bebe Size
Banji Size
Model&SD Corset
Trinity (14~15cm)
Glamor Model (11~13cm)
Model Doll (7.5~11cm)
SD (7~10cm)
Illua (9cm)
Alex&Zaoll (7~8cm)
Ballet Kid (6.5cm)
MSD&Kid (6~7.5cm)
Grace (6.3cm)
Narsha (5~5.8cm)
Dear Doll&USD (4~5cm)
Mona Shoes (3.8~4cm)
I Doll (3.5cm)
16" Fashion doll (3.2~4.8cm)
12" Fashion Doll&Banji&Bebedol (2.5~4cm)

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home > BJD Doll > Model line > Model M & F Doll > Model Doll F - Claudia Shield
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Model Doll F - Claudia Shield

Sales Price
9.90 Kg
Special Note
* Height: 67cm, fully assembled.


Face Make-up :
Sanding Service :
Body Make-up :
Skin Color :

Total Purchase Amount


detail prdoduct - 상품상세설명

* Model Doll F - Claudia Shield 유라가루를 날려본다. 손가락사이로 스르르 빠져나가는 반짝반짝 날카롭게 날리는 음률과 같은 바람의 노래 차갑게 떨리는 속눈썹사이로 겹겹히 내려앉는 침묵 이젠 우리가 서로를 등지고 떠나야할 시간 네가 바랬던 내가 아니기에 내가 원했던 너를 떠나 영원한 고립속의 침몰하는 새벽을 맞으려 떠나야만 한다. * 구성 : '클라우디아'의 헤드, 모델돌 바디, 돌모아안구(색상랜덤), 박스, 보증서. * 참고 : 2024년 12월부터 모델돌과 글래머 모델돌의 포장이 변경됩니다. 솜 이불을 위아래로 넣는 기존의 포장방법 대신 인형의 위아래로 스티로폼과 원단을 이용한 포장 방식으로 포장을 변경합니다. 보다 안전한 포장을 위한 조치로 많은 이해와 사랑 부탁드립니다.

* Model Doll F - Claudia Shield * Basic Model Doll I let glass powder flying with wind There is wind song like glitter but sharp melody that it lapses into finger~ You may feel deep silence within my tremble eyelashes It is time to say good bye and leave each other You never wish to live together with me therefore, I was separated from you and lived with deep loneliness forever even i desire you so much. * Included: Claudia shield head(no make up), model doll body, dollmore eyes(color random), box, warranty * Notice: Starting from December 2024, the packaging method for Model Dolls and Glamour Model Dolls will be updated. Instead of the current method of placing cotton blankets above and below the dolls, we will switch to a packaging method using styrofoam and fabric at the top and bottom of the dolls. This change is intended to provide safer packaging. We kindly ask for your understanding and continued support.

* 모델돌 클라우디아의 사진속의 스타일링 팁 #01 *의상구성 : Model F - Narae Princess Dress Set (Ivory) *착용안구 : D - Specials 16mm Eyes(DS09) *착용가발 : (7-8) Goungju ST Wig (Brown) *착용신발 : Model Doll F(high heels's) Shoes - Cara Boots (White) #02 *의상구성 : Model F - Petal Corset Dress Set (Pink & White) *착용안구 : D - Specials 16mm Eyes(DS09) *착용가발 : (8-9) Sinuosity Wig (Blonde) *착용신발 : Model Doll F(high heels's) Shoes - Basic Shoes (White) * 주문제작방식으로 결제후 제작이 이미 시작된 아이는 주문취소가 불가능합니다. * 배송은 수작업 제작으로 다소 작업이 지연되기도 합니다. 양해바랍니다. * 안구색상은 램덤발송으로 원하시는 색상이 있는 경우 주문시 메모주세요.^^ * 사진은 메이크업이 된 모습으로 메이크업을 원하시면 옵션을 선택해주세요.^^ ==> Model Doll - Claudia size 1. Tall (전체키) : 66.5cm 2. Body length not include a head (바디높이) : 59.5cm 3. Length from hip to knee (엉덩이~무릎길이) : 19cm 4. Length from knee to calf (무릎~ 복숭아뼈) : 18.5cm 5. Circumference of neck (목둘레) : 7.7cm 6. Width of shoulders (어깨넓이) : 8.5cm 7. Circumference of chest (가슴둘레) : 25cm 8. Circumference of waist (허리둘레) : 17.5cm 9. Circumference of hips (엉덩이둘레) : 28cm 10. Circumference of Wrist (손목둘레) : 5cm 11. Length from shoulder to wrist include a wrist ball (어깨~손목구) : 20cm 12. Circumference of ankle (발목둘레) : 7cm 13. Length from hip to Heel (엉덩이~발뒤꿈치) : 39.5cm 14. Length of Foot size : 7.5cm * 디자인 등록출원 : 제 2006-50002호

* Styple Tip (These items will not ship together) #01 *Clothes set : Model F - Narae Princess Dress Set (Ivory) *Eyes: D - Specials 16mm Eyes(DS09) *Wig: (7-8) Goungju ST Wig (Brown) *Shoes : Model Doll F(high heels's) Shoes - Cara Boots (White) #02 *Clothes set : Model F - Petal Corset Dress Set (Pink & White) *Eyes : D - Specials 16mm Eyes(DS09) *Wig : (8-9) Sinuosity Wig (Blonde) *Shoes : Model Doll F(high heels's) Shoes - Basic Shoes (White) * If you want the other different colored acryl eyes and wig for her, please put a memo for them on additional comments section. * If you have a make-up style and color tone that you want, it's possible~ we accept the custom make-up! but Before ordering, please let me know it in advance. * Model Doll Female Size 1. Tall : 66.5cm 2. Body length not include a head : 59.5cm 3. Length from hip to knee : 19cm 4. Length from knee to calf : 18.5cm 5. Circumference of neck : 7.7cm 6. Width of shoulders : 8.5cm 7. Circumference of chest : 25cm 8. Circumference of waist : 17.5cm 9. Circumference of hips : 28cm 10. Circumference of Wrist : 5cm 11. Length from shoulder to wrist include a wrist ball : 20cm 12. Circumference of ankle : 7cm 13. Length from hip to Heel : 39.5cm 14. Length of Foot size : 7.5cm * order and shipping info 1. from order to shipping : order -> payment -> production/shipping so, you can't cancel or return goods becase of order production system. 2. By starting from payment (not order date), it will be shipped in turns. * payment 1. Paypal - Dollmore will send you a invoice via paypal.^^ 2. Paygate (direct credit card payment) 3. Bank transfer. Bank name: Korea first Bank account: 431-20-243375 reciever: lee eun young) Bank tel: 82- 2- 521- 9252 Bank address : KOREA FIRST BANK 1675-1 Seochodong Seochogu Seoul 137-070 Korea Gyodaeyeok Br. * SWT code : SCBLKRSE *Design registration No. 2006-50002

1. We can ship order by Fedex, EMS, Rincos, Kpacket.
2. Shipping fee is charged based on box size.
Therefore, when you buy a big size doll stuff, shipping fee will be very high.
3. If you live in Euro and purchase less than 135 us dollar,
select Rincos shipping method because you do not need to pay VAT fee.
If you find out damage of our dolls and doll stuffs, contact us within 1 week after receiving the packet. We do not accept return or exchange about doll and doll parts. But we can resend new doll parts to you when your doll is damaged in delivery.
Our E-mail: ,
Our Facebook ID: Eunyoung Lee (Dollmore)
We provide Layaway Payment Method when buyer buy a doll or doll parts when order amount is higher than 200 us dollar.
There will be absolutely no refunds, exchanges, or changes about layaway order.
If you cancel your layaway order, you will lost all deposit that you have sent.
All purchase of layaway order is final.
We suggest you leave a memo about layaway terms when you make order, we will check your memo when we send Paypal invoice to you.
We will set partial payment option to the PayPal invoice of layaway order.
You can pay partial payment at that PayPal invoice link.

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