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SD n MSD - SGSS Dress (Ch Blue)
- Sales Price
- 26.92USD
- Mileage
- 0.32USD
- Weight
- 0.10 Kg
- Special Note
- * Composition: One Piece
Total Purchase Amount
시원한 주름이 가득한 사랑스런 드레스입니다.
혼자 원피스로 입어도 이쁘지만
다른 옷과 레이어드해서 입혀주셔도 이뻐요.
다양한 연출이 가능한 사랑스런 원피스에요. ^^
한정라인 전문 디자이너가 제작한
좋은 퀄리티의 고급스런 의상입니다.
어깨선의 주름안과 가슴아래단에 고무단이 숨어있어서
신축성이 매우 좋습니다.
MSD라인에게도 잘맞고 SD사이즈에도 귀엽게 잘맞습니다.
등쪽에는 오픈형으로 스냅단추가 달려있어서
보다 편하게 입고 벗을수있습니다.
* 구성 : 원피스
* 모델1 : Youth Dollmore Eve - Dreaming Mio (Ver 2) - LE10(키: 57cm / 머리둘레:8-9인치)
* 모델2 : Ballerina Kid - Sting Subconscious Vian - LE10(키: 46cm / 머리둘레:7-8인치)
This is a lovely and cool dress. It's pretty even when you dress it to your doll alone. If you want, you can layered with other doll clothes. It is a lovely dress that can be worn in a variety of ways. This dress is made by professional designer who makes clothes for limited edition doll. There is rubber hem on the shoulder line and under the chest, so it fits well to MSD doll and SD doll together. When you wear this dress to a SD doll, it may look very cute. It is easy to wear on and take off. * Included: 1 dress * Model 1 : Youth Dollmore Eve - Dreaming Mio (Ver 2) - LE10 (Height: 57cm / Head circumference: 8-9 inches) * Model 2: Ballerina Kid - Sting Subconscious Vian - LE10 (Height: 46cm / Head circumference: 7-8 inches) ☸ Style Tip -1 Youth Dollmore Eve - Dreaming Mio (Ver 2) - LE10(키: 57cm / 머리둘레:8-9인치) 12mm Guitaroska Resin Eyes (G-08) Youth Dollmore Adam - Saw (키:61cm / 머리둘레:8-9인치) (8-9) HSUP Short Wig (Brown) SD n MSD - SGSS Dress (Ch Blue) All Size - BCH Eco Bag (Beige) ☸ Style Tip -2 Ballerina Kid - Sting Subconscious Vian - LE10(키: 46cm / 머리둘레:7-8인치) 12mm Classic Flat Back Oval Glass Eyes (CD09) (7-8) Velladia Wig (Pink) SD n MSD - SGSS Dress (Ch Blue) All Size - BCH Eco Bag (Beige) |