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Masterpiece Line
Dollpire Doll
Fantasy Line
Model Line
Youth Line
Kid Line
Fashion Line
Head&body Sold Separately
Acrylic Eyes
Silicone Eyes
Silicone Eyes
Resin Eyes
Contemporary Eyes
Special Mono Eyes
Cat Eyes
My Self Eyes
Special Eyes
Eye Case
13-14 inches[Lusion&Trinity]
9 inches [Blythe]
8-9 inches[SD& Model]
8 inches [Zaoll]
7-8 inches [MSD&Kid]
7-8 inches [Catish]
7 inches [USD&Narsha]
6-7 inches [USD&Dear]
5 inches [Bebe Size]
4-5 inches [16"Fashion]
3-4 inches[12"Fashion]
3 inches [Banji]
Trinity Doll(110cm)
Lusion Doll(78cm)
Illua Doll(48cm)
Glamor Model(72cm)
Model Doll F(67cm)
Model Doll M(70cm)
Glamor Eve Doll(59cm)
Youth Doll F&M Common
Youth Doll F(57cm)
Youth Doll M(60cm)
Zaoll Doll(52cm)
Alex Doll(47cm)
Judith Doll(44.5cm)
Kid Doll(MSD :43.5cm)
Grace Doll(41cm)
Mokashura Doll(40.5cm)
Narsha Doll(35cm)
Mona Doll(27cm)
Dear Doll(USD : 26cm)
I Doll(21.5cm)
Banji Doll(14.5cm)
Bebe Doll(14.5cm)
16" Fashion Doll F(42cm)
16" Fashion Doll M(43cm)
12" Fashion Doll(34cm)
Trinity Size
Lusion Size
Illua Size
Mokashura Size
Glamor Model Doll Size
Model Doll M&F Size
SD Size
Zaoll Size
MSD Size
Narsha Size
Dear Doll Size
16" Fashion Model Doll Size
12" Fashion Model Doll Size
Bebe Size
Banji Size
Model&SD Corset
Trinity (14~15cm)
Glamor Model (11~13cm)
Model Doll (7.5~11cm)
SD (7~10cm)
Illua (9cm)
Alex&Zaoll (7~8cm)
Ballet Kid (6.5cm)
MSD&Kid (6~7.5cm)
Grace (6.3cm)
Narsha (5~5.8cm)
Dear Doll&USD (4~5cm)
Mona Shoes (3.8~4cm)
I Doll (3.5cm)
16" Fashion doll (3.2~4.8cm)
12" Fashion Doll&Banji&Bebedol (2.5~4cm)

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home > Custom > Doll Carrier Bag > Lusion Size > Lusion Size - Basic BJD Carrier Bag (Pink)
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Lusion Size - Basic BJD Carrier Bag (Pink)

Sales Price
6.60 Kg
Event Price
59.08USD 20% Off on MAKING&REPAIR Products
Special Note
* Size: 86cm
Lusion Size - Basic BJD Carrier Bag (Pink)

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detail prdoduct - 상품상세설명

It's very useful and also very practical Carrage Bag for Lusion Doll - Dahlia and Daish. Fully padded and lined carrier is a protection and carring bag for BJD. It can easily be worn with any clothes. It feels soft and it has some resilient to be made of an artificial leather that is similar with a natural leather It features enough space that has durability and comfort, A big interior pocket and one exterior pocket one touch type 3 interior belts for fixing the 3 parts, doll's chest, waist and knee, sponge padded shoulder straps which is adjustable and detachable and 2 handles a waterproof good Quality cloth and feet on the bottom a name tag that you can put your name and doll's name and phone number Also, this carrier can be used for various purposes for other tall doll or fragile articles. It's designed by Dollmore for comfort and performance and made in Korea. This carrier is the most convenient way to travel with your doll~ * Included: 1 Bag * Weight: 1.86kg * Size: 86cm X 23cm X 20cm * Model by Dollmore Lusion Doll - Dahlia (80cm, 33.3 inch tall)

돌모아루젼돌 달리아와 다이쉬를 위해 제작된 실용적인 가방입니다. 색상은 Solid Pink 이라서 무난한 착용을 할수있고 오염으로부터 자유롭습니다. 천연가죽에 가까운 인조피혁소재로 제작이 되어 촉감이 진짜 가죽처럼 부드럽고 탄력있습니다. 어깨끈이 탈부착이 가능한 가방으로 오래들고 다녀도 편하도록 손잡이가 있으며 메고 다닐때도 어깨가 아프지 않도록 어깨패드가 있습니다.^^ 가방안쪽엔 인형을 잘 고정하는 고정끈 3개가 원터치방식으로 편리하게 장착되어있어서 인형의 가슴과 허리, 무릎에 안정감있게 장착되어 고정합니다. 네임팩이 있어서 오너와 아이의 이름, 연락처를 기재하고 다니기 편리하면 분실위험도 막아줍니다. 또한 바닥면엔 오염물질이 직접 닿지 않도록 고급바닥징이 달려있습니다. 넉넉한 수납공간이 가능하도록 커다란 포켓이 가방안쪽에 달려있으며 간단한 수납이 가능한 커다란 포켓이 가방바깥쪽에도 달려있습니다. 안쪽 5면(바닥과 4면) 모두에 두꺼운도의 쿠션이 있어서 안전하게 아이들을 데리고 다닐수있어요.^^ 또한 완전 방수에 쉽게 오염을 닦을수있는 소재라서 실용적입니다.^^ 색상과 촉감이 너무나 좋은 가방으로 달리아뿐아니라 큰사이즈의 자작인형인형이나 깨지기 쉬운 물품을 안전하게 넣고다닐수있는 가방으로도 요긴할듯합니다. 고급스럽고 멋진 가방이네요.^^ 돌모아에서 디자인하고 한국에서 제작된 고급제품입니다. 무거운 인형을 가방에 넣어서 손으로도 들고 다닐수도 있고 어깨에 매고 다닐수도 있는 다용도 제품입니다. * 무게 : 1.86kg * 크기 : 86cm X 23cm X 20cm * 모델 : 돌모아루젼돌 달리아 (키 : 80cm)
1. We can ship order by Fedex, EMS, Rincos, Kpacket.
2. Shipping fee is charged based on box size.
Therefore, when you buy a big size doll stuff, shipping fee will be very high.
3. If you live in Euro and purchase less than 135 us dollar,
select Rincos shipping method because you do not need to pay VAT fee.
If you find out damage of our dolls and doll stuffs, contact us within 1 week after receiving the packet. We do not accept return or exchange about doll and doll parts. But we can resend new doll parts to you when your doll is damaged in delivery.
Our E-mail: ,
Our Facebook ID: Eunyoung Lee (Dollmore)
We provide Layaway Payment Method when buyer buy a doll or doll parts when order amount is higher than 200 us dollar.
There will be absolutely no refunds, exchanges, or changes about layaway order.
If you cancel your layaway order, you will lost all deposit that you have sent.
All purchase of layaway order is final.
We suggest you leave a memo about layaway terms when you make order, we will check your memo when we send Paypal invoice to you.
We will set partial payment option to the PayPal invoice of layaway order.
You can pay partial payment at that PayPal invoice link.

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