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This is a lovely purple dress made with cool pleated fabric. It is made by clothes designer who makes dress for limited edition doll. Quality of this dress is good and the lines is very beautiful. Beautiful lace color makes this dress more pretty. This dress fits well for Trinity girl dolls. The lining of this dress is very simple and good. There is snap button on the back , so it is easy to put on and take off. * Included : 1 Dress • Model : Trinity Doll F - Pink Peak Charlotte - LE5 /Tall : 105cm 시원한 주름가공원단으로 제작된 사랑스런 보라빛 드레스입니다. 주로 한정 라인을 작성하는 디자이너의 작품인 만큼 퀄리티가 좋고 매우 라인이 아름답습니다. 레이스 배색이 아름다운 드레스이에요. 트리니티 사이즈로 나와서 커플룩으로도 좋아요~ 안감처리도 깔끔하고 등쪽 스냅단추라도 입고 벗기도 편리합니다. * 포함내역 : 드레스 • Model : Trinity Doll F - Pink Peak Charlotte - LE5 /Tall (전체키) : 105cm ☸ Style Tip • Model : Trinity Doll F - Pink Peak Charlotte - LE5 • Eyes : 20mm Solid Glass Doll Eyes (19B) • Wig : (13-14) Forest Sobazu Wig (Blonde) • Outfit : * Stocking : Trinity Doll - Spandex Band Stockings (White) • Shoes : Trinity Doll - Hstern Ribbon Shoes (Enamel Black) * 위 의상의 모델이 된 아이의 바디 사이즈입니다. * Trinity Doll Size 1. Tall (전체키) : 105cm 2. Body length not include a head (바디높이) : 92cm 3. Length from hip to knee (엉덩이~무릎길이) : 25cm 4. Length from knee to calf (무릎~ 복숭아뼈) : 24cm 5. Circumference of neck (목둘레) : 16cm 6. Width of shoulders (어깨넓이) : 14cm 7. Circumference of Bust (가슴둘레) : 44cm 8. Circumference of waist (허리둘레) : 31.5cm 9. Circumference of hips (엉덩이둘레) : 46cm 10. Circumference of Wrist (손목둘레) : 11cm 11. Length from shoulder to wrist include a weist ball (어깨~손목구) : 30.5cm 12. Circumference of ankle (발목둘레) : 13cm 13. Length from hip to Heel (엉덩이~발뒤꿈치) : 54cm 14. Length of Foot size : 12.5cm 15. Circumference of calf : 21cm 15. Weight : 7.15kg * 디자인 등록출원 : 제 2006-50002호 * Body Design & sculpted by St.Cura * Costume Design : MARIEL * Photographer: u_unique* The doll body size of the photo is as followings. You can check body size before buying dress. * Trinity Doll Size 1. Tall (total height): 105cm 2. Body length not include a head (body height): 92cm 3. Length from hip to knee (hip to knee length): 25cm 4. Length from knee to calf (knee ~ peach bone): 24cm 5. Circumference of neck: 16cm 6. Width of shoulders: 14cm 7. Circumference of Bust: 44cm 8. Circumference of waist: 31.5cm 9. Circumference of hips: 46cm 10. Circumference of Wrist: 11cm 11. Length from shoulder to wrist include a weist ball (shoulder ~ wrist ball): 30.5cm 12. Circumference of ankle: 13cm 13. Length from hip to Heel (hip to heel): 54cm 14. Length of Foot size: 12.5cm 15.Circumference of calf: 21cm 15. Weight: 7.15kg * Design registration application: No. 2006-50002 * Body Design & sculpted by St.Cura * Costume Design: MARIEL * Photographer: u_unique |