- Product Classification List
Kid Dollmore Girl - Ice Princess Alexia - LE10
- Sales Price
- 367.69USD
- Mileage
- 4.30USD
- Weight
- 4.50 Kg
- Special Note
- * Special Limited Edition- LE10
- Skin Color :
Total Purchase Amount
* Kid Dollmore Girl - Ice Princess Alexia - LE10 * Special Limited Edition- LE10 A small life that was decided even before you were born My life has been twisted and torn My life is different from my will Living is a hard war for everyone I hope my two legs cheer up to work in future Give me a small consolation * Inclueded : Head & Body (assembled body). Eyes, wig, box, 2 cotton blankets, warranty card, warranty & doll manual. * Clothes Set Included: hair ornament, dress, stockings, shoes. * Eyes : 12mm Guitaroska Resin Eyes (G-01) * Wig: (7-8) BFGT Sobazu Wig (A Wine)/ we will ship random wig to you if we do not keep this wig. * Stockings : MSD - Lace Fanta Panty Stocking (White) * Shoes : MSD - Basic Girl Shoes (White Enamel) * Eyelashes: eyelashes for dolls - 003-10 * Kid Dollmore Girl - Ice Princess Alexia - LE10 * Special Limited Edition- LE10 ------------------------------------------------------------- 태어나기 전부터 정해진 작은 인생 틀어지고 찢긴 내 뜻과는 다른 삶 살아간다는 것은 누구에게나 고단한 전쟁 내일과 함께 할 나의 두 다리 힘을 내요. 작게 나에게 위로를 건넨다. ------------------------------------------------------------- * 구성 : 헤드 & 바디(조립완제품). 안구, 가발, 박스, 솜이불 2장, 보증서, 보증서 & 인형메뉴얼. * 의상구성 : 머리장식, 드레스, 스타킹. 구두. * 안구 : 12mm Guitaroska Resin Eyes (G-01) * 가발 : (7-8) BFGT Sobazu Wig (A Wine)/ 재고 부족시 램덤발송 * 스타킹 : MSD - Lace Fanta Panty Stocking (White) * 신발 : MSD - Basic Girl Shoes (White Enamel) * 속눈썹 : 인형전용 속눈썹 - 003-10 * 주문제작방식으로 결제후 제작이 이미 시작된 아이는 주문이후 주문취소가 불가능합니다.^^ * 배송은 주문후 영업일기준 한달내외로 발송해 드립니다. (주문제작이라서 좀더 일찍 또는 늦어질수있습니다. 양해바래요.) * Body Size - 키(Height): 43.5cm - 머리둘레(Head):18.7cm (7-8 인치가발이 잘맞습니다.^^) - 안구(Eyes): 14mm - 목둘레(Neck): 7.6cm - 가슴둘레(Bust): 18cm - 어깨너비(Shoulder) : 6.5cm - 허리둘레(Weist):15.5cm - 엉덩이둘레(Hip): 18.5cm - 발(Foot) : 6.0cm --------------------------------------------- * 디자인 등록출원 : 제 2006-50002호* As based on 'Production after order' system, your order can't be canceled, after paying. * The shipping date may be delayed a little more on hand-made work. Seek your understanding. * In general, It takes about 60~80 days to make a doll. * Dollmore Kid Doll Girl Body Size Tall: 43.5cm Circumference of Head:18.7cm (Fits well 7~8 inch wig) Eyes: 12 mm or 14mm low dome Circumference of Neck: 7.6cm Circumference of Bust: 18cm Width of Shoulders : 6.5cm Circumference of Weist:15.5cm Circumference of Hip: 18.5cm Length of Foot size: 6.0cm * Payment method 1. Paypal - Dollmore will send you an invoice via paypal.^^ 2. Eximbay (direct credit card payment) 3. Bank transfer. Bank name: standard chartered bank korea limited Account: 431-20-243375 Recipient: lee eun young Bank tel: 82- 2- 521- 9252 Bank address : standard chartered bank korea limited 1675-1 Seochodong Seochogu Seoul 137-070 Korea ( Gyodaeyeok Br. ) SWT code : SCBLKRSE * Design registration application: No. 2006-50002 |