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Marilyn Monroe Fashion- MARILYN MONROES¹ 7-YR. ITCH DRESS
- Consumer Price
103.85USD - Sales Price
- 76.15USD
- Mileage
- 0.89USD
- Weight
- 2.00 Kg
- Special Note
Total Purchase Amount

마를린의 7년만의 외출에서 유명한 환풍기씬에서
입고나온 의상으로 환풍기바람에 의해
스커트가 위로 날리는 명장면 기억하시죠?
올라가는 치마를 내리는 섹시했던
장면으로 많이 페러디되는 장면이죠.^^
참 촘촘한 주름이 매우 섬세하게 잡혀있구요,
깔끔한 실크장지갑에 아주 섬세한
진주귀걸이, 그리고 멋진 마를린의
이니셜이 수놓아진 손수건이
매우 매력적인 의상이군요.^^
샌들도 넘넘 멋집니다.^^
타일러나 진이 입으면 새로운 변신이 되겠는데요.^^
의상자체셋팅만으로도 너무나 이쁘네요.^^
In the famous ventilator scene in Marlene's 7 year outing. Many people may remember the scene when Marlene's skirt flies upwards because of fan wind. Marlene put down the skirt that goes up. It is a scene that has been parodied a lot.^^ The fine wrinkles are very delicately drawn. There is a neat silk long wallet, This dress set contains very delicate in a neat silk long wallet, a pearl earring and handkerchief embroidered with initials. It is a very attractive dress set. The sandals are also very nice.^^ If Tyler or Jin wears it, it will be a new transformation. It's so pretty just by setting the clothes themselves.^^ |
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