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(8-9) HSUP Short Wig (Brown)
- Sales Price
- 30.77USD
- Mileage
- 0.00USD
- Weight
- 0.15 Kg
- Special Note
- * 2305//Ja/8-9/D98/#15
Total Purchase Amount
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얼굴 길이에 따라서 가발 느낌이 달라지네요.
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색감은 오렌지톤이 살짝도는 발고 화사한 브라운으로 조명에 따라서 색감이 달리 보입니다.
* 포함내역 : 가발1개
* 모델1 : Youth Dollmore Adam - Saw (키:61cm / 머리둘레:8-9인치)
* 모델2 : Youth Dollmore Eve - Dreaming Mio (Ver 2) - LE10(키: 57cm / 머리둘레:8-9인치)
It is a stylish short-cut wig with bangs. Bangs of this wig can be styled by hand. This wig has been styled, so you do not need to take time to style this wig. This wig is made of heat-resistant hair. Soft and bouncy curls of this wig is attractive. Owner can change the style of this wig with dryer. Curl of this wig is strong, so hair of this wig don't get tangled easily. This wig goes well with girl and boy doll together. Color of this wig is dark brown, but it's color looks different depending on the lighting condition. * Included: 1 wig * Model 1 : Youth Dollmore Adam - Saw (Height: 61cm / Head circumference: 8-9 inches) * Model 2: Youth Dollmore Eve - Dreaming Mio (Ver 2) - LE10 (Height: 57cm / Head circumference: 8-9 inches) ☸ Style Tip -1 Youth Dollmore Adam - Saw (키:61cm / 머리둘레:8-9인치) (8-9) HSUP Short Wig (Brown) SD Size - DCC T Shirts (Blue 12mm Painting Flat Round Glass Eyes (HS10) ☸ Style Tip -2 Youth Dollmore Eve - Dreaming Mio (Ver 2) - LE10(키: 57cm / 머리둘레:8-9인치) 12mm Guitaroska Resin Eyes (G-08) (8-9) HSUP Short Wig (Brown) SD n MSD - SGSS Dress (Ch Blue) All Size - BCH Eco Bag (Beige) |