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MSD - Lofapin Leg Warmer (Black)
- Sales Price
- 7.69USD
- Mileage
- 0.09USD
- Weight
- 0.03 Kg
- Special Note
- * Composition: Baltoshi
Total Purchase Amount
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* 포함내역 : 발토시
* 모델 : Zaoll Collaboration - Versa Princess ; Alexia - LE15 헤드(머리둘레 7인치)
+ Kid Dollmore Girl Body (키: 43.5cm/머리와 조립하였을 때 기준)
This leg warmer is made of high-quality spandex fabric. You can make it look natural with wrinkles. You can slightly cover the back of your doll's feet to create a lonnger leg line. It is easy to wear because this item has high elasticity. There is cool metal decoration and ribbon at this leg warmer. * Included: 1 leg warmer * Model: Zaoll Collaboration - Versa Princess ; Alexia - LE15 (Head Circumference: 7 inch) Kid Dollmore Girl Body (Tall: 43.5cm/ 43.5cm is the high from head to the end of the feet) * 사진속 스타일링 팁 인형 : Zaoll Collaboration - Versa Princess ; Alexia - LE15 헤드(머리둘레 7인치) + Kid Dollmore Girl Body (키: 43.5cm/머리와 조립하였을 때 기준) 안구 : 12mm Guitaroska Resin Eyes (G-04) 가발 : (7-8) Ellen Wig (D.Blue) 상의 : MSD - Gaori Hood T (White)[A6] 하의 : MSD - SYM Short CT Pants (Black)[A6-2-5] 목장식 : All Size - Sim Necklace (Silver) 신발 : SD - MYDA Shoes (Black)* Style Tip Model : Zaoll Collaboration - Versa Princess ; Alexia - LE15 (Head Circumference: 7 inch) Kid Dollmore Girl Body (Tall: 43.5cm/ 43.5cm is the high from head to the end of the feet) Eyes : 12mm Guitaroska Resin Eyes (G-04) Wig : (7-8) Ellen Wig (D.Blue) Top : MSD - Gaori Hood T (White)[A6] Pants : MSD - SYM Short CT Pants (Black)[A6-2-5] Necklace : All Size - Sim Necklace (Silver) Shoes : SD - MYDA Shoes (Black) |