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(Damage Sale)MSD - Slim boots (Pink)
- Consumer Price
20.00USD - Sales Price
- 10.00USD
- Mileage
- 0.21USD
- Weight
- 0.18 Kg
- Special Note
- *Size: 7cm*3.5cm*10cm
Total Purchase Amount
* 신발안쪽의 안감이 망가져서 세일 들어갑니다.
세일상품은 교환및 환불이 되지 않으니 신중한 구매 부탁드려요~
베이직한 디자인으로 단순한 매력이 듬뿍~~
깔끔핞 인조가죽으로 제작되어서 깔끔하고 세련되네요~
돌모아키즈 파도와 유티드돌 지나, 캣티쉬돌등
MSD호환돌들에게 모두 잘맞습니다.^^
은근 멋진 패션 아이템입니다.^^
* Size : 7cm * 3.5cm * 10cm
* 모델 : 돌모아키즈 지민 (키: 43cm)
* Notice: There is little crack inside of this boots. So we sell it with 50% off price. It is impossible to refund or exchange damage sale item. **MSD - Slim boots (Pink)** There are fashionable and basic style middle laceup boots made of artificial leather. It features round toe and side zip for easy on and off. It fits well on Dollmore Kid - Pado, Judith doll Zinna, catish doll, etc.. MSD Compatible sized dolls. It would be a nice fashionable item with any skirt or pants~ * Size : 7cm * 3.5cm * 10cm * Model by Dollmore Kid - Jeemin (43cm tall) |