- Product Classification List
Kid Dollmore Boy - Snow
- Sales Price
- 215.38USD
- Mileage
- 2.52USD
- Weight
- 4.60 Kg
- Special Note
- * Height: 43.5cm, assembled product
- Face Make-up :
- Sanding Service :
- Body Make-up :
- Skin Color :
Total Purchase Amount
* Kid Dollmore Boy - Snow
사월에 내리는 눈은 텅 빈 거 같아
땅에 땋기도 전에 사라져 버리네
내 맘이 닿지 않는
시공간의 거리만큼
텅텅 빈
솜사탕 같은 봄
새롭게 탄생한 스노우입니다.
많은 사랑 부탁드려요.
* 구성 : 헤드 & 바디(노메이크업 & 조립완제품). 아크릴안구(12mm, 색상은 램덤),
가발(램덤발송), 박스, 솜이불 2장.
* Kid Dollmore Boy - Snow April snow is one of the empty snow It melts before reaching the ground My heart doesn't reach you too Space-time is so far away between us Spring likes cotton candy Snow comes to us with new vertion Hope many people love him. * Included: Head&Body(no make up& assembled body), acrylic eyes (12 mm, color random), wig(random), box, 2 cushions -------------------------------- * 사진속 스노우의 스타일링팁 ^^ (남아) (국산) Life Like Acrylic 12mm - G12LF-01 Pale Blue[N6-2-3] (7-8) Enfant Short Cut (Carrot) MSD - Simple Round Neck T (Black)[A6-2-1] MSD - Nova jacket (Gray) [A6-4-7] MSD - Two Button Pants (White)[A6-3-4] MSD - HY Sneakers (005) Mini Book (Random:램덤) MSD - Round Steel Lensless Frames Glasses (Silver) -------------------------------- * 사진은 메이크업이 된 모습으로 메이크업을 원하시면 옵션을 선택해주세요.^^ * 주문제작방식으로 결제후 제작이 이미 시작된 아이는 주문취소가 불가능합니다.^^ * 본인형은 핸드메이드 제작작품으로 주문후 50일에서 80일정도 제작시간이 소요되며 옵션이나 주문시기나 제작사의 사정에 따라서 조금 더 빨리 배송되거나 늦어질수 있습니다. -------------------------------- * Kid Dollmore Boy Size - 키(Height): 43.5cm - 머리둘레(Head):18.7cm (7-8 인치가발이 잘맞습니다.^^) - 안구(Eyes): 12mm or 14mm (로우돔이 잘맞습니다.) - 목둘레(Neck): 7.6cm - 가슴둘레(Bust): 18cm - 어깨너비(Shoulder) : 6.5cm - 허리둘레(Waist):15.5cm - 엉덩이둘레(Hip): 18.5cm - 발(Foot) : 6.0cm --------------------------------------------- * 디자인 등록출원 : 제 2006-50002호* Style Tip Life Like Acrylic 12mm - G12LF-01 Pale Blue[N6-2-3] (7-8) Enfant Short Cut (Carrot) MSD - Simple Round Neck T (Black)[A6-2-1] MSD - Nova jacket (Gray) [A6-4-7] MSD - Two Button Pants (White)[A6-3-4] MSD - HY Sneakers (005) Mini Book (Random) MSD - Round Steel Lensless Frames Glasses (Silver) * If you want to specify her wig, just select one in dollmore website and leave memo in your order page. *If you want to receive her as photos make up, please select default make up option. * As based on 'Production after receipt of order' system, your order can't be canceled and refunded, after paying. * In process: 50~60 days or a little longer days after receiving full payment Kid Doll Body Size Tall: 43.5cm == 17.1 inch Circumference of Head:18.7cm (Fits well 7~8 inch wig) Eyes: 12 mm or 14mm low dome Circumference of Neck: 7.6cm == 2.99 inch Circumference of Bust: 18cm == 7.08 inch Width of Shoulders : 6.5cm == 2.55 inch Circumference of Weist:15.5cm == 6.1 inch Circumference of Hip: 18.5cm == 7.28 inch Length of Foot size: 6.0cm == 2.36 inch * Design registration No. 2006-50002 * Payment method 1. PayPal - Dollmore will send you an invoice via paypal.^^ necking@dollmore.com help@dollmore.net 2. Eximbay (direct credit card payment) 3. Bank transfer. Bank name: Korea first Bank Account: 431-20-243375 Recipient:LEE EUN YOUNG Bank tel: 82- 2- 521- 9252 Bank address : KOREA FIRST BANK 1675-1 Seochodong Seochogu Seoul 137-070 Korea Gyodaeyeok Br. * SWT code : SCBLKRSE |