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Illua Doll Size - Urisis LS Dress (Ivory)
- Sales Price
- 42.31USD
- Mileage
- 0.50USD
- Weight
- 0.25 Kg
- Special Note
- * Composition : Dress
Total Purchase Amount
원단이 고급스런 아름다운 드레스입니다.
레이스 머리장식과 풍성한 스커트가 아름다운 드레스입니다.
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퀄리티가 좋고 매우 라인이 아름답습니다.
섬세한 목장식과 가슴장식 등
레이스 배색이 아름다운 드레스이에요.
보다 고급스러운 스타일 연출에 좋습니다.
* 구성 : 머리리본 + 드레스
* 모델 : Illua Doll - Alice in Fake Land Dahlia - LE10 (머리둘레 8-9인치/키 48cm)
This is a beautiful dress made of fabric in high quality. There is a lace head decoration and voluminous skirt to this dress. The designer who makes this dress set is also makes dress set of limited edition dolls. We promise high quality of this dress. Delicate neck and chest decoration makes it more beautiful. It is good item for creating luxurious style. * Included: Head Ribbon, Dress * Model : Illua Doll - Alice in Fake Land Dahlia - LE10 (Tall: 48cm == 18.89 inch, Head Over: 8-9 inch) * 스타일링팁 Illua Doll - Alice in Fake Land Dahlia - LE10 2019VK-5 (Brown) / D2-8 Mix 16mm Flat Simple Acrylic Eyes (Blue) (8-9) DC Curl Wig (Brown) Illua Doll Shoes - Jewellery Shoes (Ivory) |