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SD - Amity Lace Arm Warmer (Black) [F3-4-5,F3-4-6]
- Sales Price
- 7.69USD
- Mileage
- 0.09USD
- Weight
- 0.03 Kg
- Special Note
- * Composition: Paltoshi
Total Purchase Amount
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* 구성 : 팔토시
* 모델 : Youth Dollmore Eve - Unsmiling Noal (키 : 57cm)
It is a fashionable arm warmer for ball jointed dolls. It can be wrinkled for a natrual look. You can also pull it to cover the hand of your doll. It has high elasticity, so it is easy to wear on and off. * Included : 1 pair of arm warmer only * Model : Glamor Eve Doll - Absolute Power Mio - LE10 (Tall : 57cm == 22.4 inch) * 착용모델의 스타일링 팁 Youth Dollmore Eve - Unsmiling Noal (8-9) JEJE long Wig (Pink)[C5-6-6] 12mm - OMeta Half Round Acrylic Eyes (CE-07)[N7-2-7] All Size - Rabbit Round Fur Muffler (Black) SD - Eress Band Stocking (Red) SD - Softly Boots (Black) * 참고 : 이 의상은 별도 단품 구매도 가능합니다. 'Amity'로 검색하셔서 필요한 사이즈별 단품 구매하세요.* Style Tip Youth Dollmore Eve - Unsmiling Noal (8-9) JEJE long Wig (Pink)[C5-6-6] 12mm - OMeta Half Round Acrylic Eyes (CE-07)[N7-2-7] All Size - Rabbit Round Fur Muffler (Black) SD - Eress Band Stocking (Red) SD - Softly Boots (Black) * Notice : You can buy top or shorts of the photo only. To find out items of the photo, we suggest you search key word of 'Amity' |