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SARAN Hair - 0736 (오렌지브론드) YN 0736-21
- Sales Price
- 7.69USD
- Mileage
- 0.09USD
- Weight
- 0.05 Kg
- Special Note
- * Product code: YN 0736-21
Total Purchase Amount

* 0736사란헤어는 'SARAN Hair - 0736 (오렌지브론드) YN 0736-21' 변경생산되어서
기존 'SARAN Hair - 0736 (오렌지브론드) HBN0736-09'는 조만간 품절될 예정입니다.
기존 헤어보다 조금더 진한 느낌으로 거의 비슷하지만 아주 똑같지는 않습니다.
동일상품은 더이상 생산되지 않으니 이점 숙지바랍니다.
![]() Saran Hair sweep over hair of collectable doll the world over!! Saran Hair made in Japan 100% never burn, never produce static. resounded through the world "Tonner Doll(tlyer,sydney)" "Effanbee(since branda 2004)" "TAKARA (Blythe)" "MAttel (collectable barbie)" "Integrity(fashion royalty)" most of company that make collectabel doll use "Saran Hair" and so Dollmore also stocked "Saran Hair" we hope that you will be meet "Saran Hair" that have good quality. * Weight: about 30 gram * Notice: Qty to root hair on the doll 12" doll: 1~2 ae fashion doll: 2~3 ae blyth doll: 3~4 ae |
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