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- home > 안구 > Glass Eyes > 26mm Special > D - Specials 26mm Eyes(ET25)[N5-5-6]
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D - Specials 26mm Eyes(ET25)[N5-5-6]
- Consumer Price
32.31USD - Sales Price
22.31USD - Mileage
- 0.26USD
- Weight
- 0.10 Kg
- Event Price
- 15.62USD 30% OFF for all doll eyes
- Special Note
Total Purchase Amount
15.62 USD

* Notice: We sell it with 20% off price because quality of this glass eyes isn't very well. There is left-right spacing symmetry, air bubbles or substances at the iris of the eyes. So we sell it with low price. All purchase of this eyes is final. Please buy it carefully. There are high quality glass eyes that look as a jewel with a transparency and profundity. These hane made eyes make more nuance and expressiveness in the face. * Included: a pair of eyes and case * Model by Dollmore Model doll F - Ipsae 글라스 아이로 투명감이 높고 시선의 흐름을 잘 따라오는 특성이 있습니다. 하나 하나 수작업으로 제작된 고급수제안구로 매혹적인 색상이 아름답네요. 신비롭고 아름다운 유리안구의 세계로 새로운 체험을 해보시길 바랍니다.^^ 100여종의 아름다운 안구를 만나보세요. 정말 독특하네요~!! * 구성 : 안구한쌍 * 모델 : 돌모아의 모델돌 '입세'![]() ![]() |
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