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Masterpiece Line
Dollpire Doll
Fantasy Line
Model Line
Youth Line
Kid Line
Fashion Line
Head&body Sold Separately
Acrylic Eyes
Silicone Eyes
Silicone Eyes
Resin Eyes
Contemporary Eyes
Special Mono Eyes
Cat Eyes
My Self Eyes
Special Eyes
Eye Case
13-14 inches[Lusion&Trinity]
9 inches [Blythe]
8-9 inches[SD& Model]
8 inches [Zaoll]
7-8 inches [MSD&Kid]
7-8 inches [Catish]
7 inches [USD&Narsha]
6-7 inches [USD&Dear]
5 inches [Bebe Size]
4-5 inches [16"Fashion]
3-4 inches[12"Fashion]
3 inches [Banji]
Trinity Doll(110cm)
Lusion Doll(78cm)
Illua Doll(48cm)
Glamor Model(72cm)
Model Doll F(67cm)
Model Doll M(70cm)
Glamor Eve Doll(59cm)
Youth Doll F&M Common
Youth Doll F(57cm)
Youth Doll M(60cm)
Zaoll Doll(52cm)
Alex Doll(47cm)
Judith Doll(44.5cm)
Kid Doll(MSD :43.5cm)
Grace Doll(41cm)
Mokashura Doll(40.5cm)
Narsha Doll(35cm)
Mona Doll(27cm)
Dear Doll(USD : 26cm)
I Doll(21.5cm)
Banji Doll(14.5cm)
Bebe Doll(14.5cm)
16" Fashion Doll F(42cm)
16" Fashion Doll M(43cm)
12" Fashion Doll(34cm)
Trinity Size
Lusion Size
Illua Size
Mokashura Size
Glamor Model Doll Size
Model Doll M&F Size
SD Size
Zaoll Size
MSD Size
Narsha Size
Dear Doll Size
16" Fashion Model Doll Size
12" Fashion Model Doll Size
Bebe Size
Banji Size
Model&SD Corset
Trinity (14~15cm)
Glamor Model (11~13cm)
Model Doll (7.5~11cm)
SD (7~10cm)
Illua (9cm)
Alex&Zaoll (7~8cm)
Ballet Kid (6.5cm)
MSD&Kid (6~7.5cm)
Grace (6.3cm)
Narsha (5~5.8cm)
Dear Doll&USD (4~5cm)
Mona Shoes (3.8~4cm)
I Doll (3.5cm)
16" Fashion doll (3.2~4.8cm)
12" Fashion Doll&Banji&Bebedol (2.5~4cm)

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home > OUTFITS > 12" Fashion doll (34cm) > 12 inch Size - Bohemian Emitting Set
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12 inch Size - Bohemian Emitting Set

Sales Price
0.10 Kg
Special Note
* Composition: Blouse, Pants, Top, Bag, Headband, Necklace
12 inch Size - Bohemian Emitting Set

Total Purchase Amount


detail prdoduct - 상품상세설명

** Bohemian Emitting Set ** There is a cozy casual wear set, It's perfect to wear anytime! ^^ Where shall we go on a picnic tomorrow? ^^ * Included: blouse + pants + top + bag + hairband + necklace * Model by Dollmore 12inch Cute Doll - Lulu

* Bohemian Emitting Set 자유로운 느낌의 편안한 캐주얼셋트입니다. 가벼운 나들이에 딱 좋은 의상으로 구성이 많아서 다양한 코디에도 좋은 의상이네요. 날씬한 바지에 헐렁한 블라우스~! 센스있는 진핑크헤어밴드, 이쁘고 멋진 숄더백~! 구성 하나하나가 멋지고 아기자기합니다. * 구성 : 블라우스, 바지, 상의, 가방, 헤드밴드, 목걸이 * 모델 : 돌모아의 12" Cute Doll - Lulu 입니다. * 패션모델라인 바비나 패션로얄티, 돌플등의 아이들에게 호환되는 의상입니다.
1. We can ship order by Fedex, EMS, Rincos, Kpacket.
2. Shipping fee is charged based on box size.
Therefore, when you buy a big size doll stuff, shipping fee will be very high.
3. If you live in Euro and purchase less than 135 us dollar,
select Rincos shipping method because you do not need to pay VAT fee.
If you find out damage of our dolls and doll stuffs, contact us within 1 week after receiving the packet. We do not accept return or exchange about doll and doll parts. But we can resend new doll parts to you when your doll is damaged in delivery.
Our E-mail: ,
Our Facebook ID: Eunyoung Lee (Dollmore)
We provide Layaway Payment Method when buyer buy a doll or doll parts when order amount is higher than 200 us dollar.
There will be absolutely no refunds, exchanges, or changes about layaway order.
If you cancel your layaway order, you will lost all deposit that you have sent.
All purchase of layaway order is final.
We suggest you leave a memo about layaway terms when you make order, we will check your memo when we send Paypal invoice to you.
We will set partial payment option to the PayPal invoice of layaway order.
You can pay partial payment at that PayPal invoice link.

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