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- home > OUTFITS > Kid Doll(MSD :43.5cm) > MSD - SM Leggings Pants (Black)[A8-4-2]
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MSD - SM Leggings Pants (Black)[A8-4-2]
- Sales Price
- 9.23USD
- Mileage
- 0.11USD
- Weight
- 0.10 Kg
- Special Note
- * Composition: Pants
Total Purchase Amount
This is a leggings made of soft cotton fabric. We suggest you coordinate this leggings together with shirts. It will enhance your doll's leg line. There is elasticity band on the waist, so it is very neat. Both girl doll and boy doll can wear this leggings pants together. * Included: 1 pants * Model : Kid Dollmore Boy - Sona (Tall : 43.5cm == 17 inch) 부드러운 면원단으로 제작된 팬츠입니다. 패션러블한 디자인으로 가볍게 티셔츠와 코디하기 좋아요~!! 다리를 타고 흐르는 라인이 매우 패션러블합니다.^^ 허리쪽은 밴드처리가 되어서 깔끔합니다. 남여공용으로 자연스럽고 사랑스런 핏입니다.^^ * 모델 : Kid Dollmore Boy - Sona (키 : 43.5cm) * 구성 : 바지 [ 스타일링 팁 ] 모델: Kid Dollmore Boy - Sona 가발: (7-8) Ellen Wig (Blonde) + 투명고무밴드 - * 투명고무줄 10개. 신발: MSD - DDE Sneakers (Black) 안경: SD - Round Steel Lensless Frames Glasses (Black) 상의: MSD - Mango Text Hood T shirts (Mustard) 하의: MSD - SM Leggings Pants (Black) |