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Zaoll Sister - Basic Ramie
  • Sales Price : 369.23 USD
  • Mileage : 4.32 USD
  • Weight : 6.10 Kg
  • Special Note : * Height: 52cm Complete assembled product
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동양적인 신비감을 가진 자올의 시스터 라미에입니다. 초롱초롱한 눈빛에 낮고 오똑한 콧날과 작은 입술이 딱부러지는 그녀의 성격을 드러내네요. 오랫만에 선보이는 구미정 작가분의 새로운 작품으로 섬세하고 아름다운 얼굴이 탄성을 자아냅니다.
* Ramie 구성 : 라미에 한체, 안구, 디폴트 속옷, 이불솜, 박스, 보증서포함 조립완제품. (
* 안구는 랜덤이므로 상시 바뀔 수 있습니다. )

* Zaoll Sister - Basic Ramie
* Zaoll, her sister Ramie in an oriental looks,, small and sharp nose, attractive eyes and lips.. We can easily figure out her personality from her figure.. The more I see her, There are her unique spirit and charm! " Ramie " is the new doll of competent korean artist Gu mi-jeong who made "Narsha" & "Zaoll"
* Included - Normal skin head + assembled normal body - 14mm acrylic Eye (random), wig - default underwear - Box, 2 cushions, COA
* if you want the specific acrylic eyes, wig for her, please put a memo for them on additional comments section
* body size
* Eye size : 14mm (Diameter)
* Tall : 52cm
* Circumference of Head : 19.4cm
* Circumference of neck : 9.5cm
* Circumference of chest : 22cm
* Width of shoulders : 8cm
* Circumference of waist : 21.5cm
* Circumference of hips : 24.5cm
* Lenth of "from hips to ankle" : 27cm
* Lenth of "from knee to ankle" : 13.5cm
* Foot size : 6.5cm
* Information about order and shipment - As based on 'Production after order' system, your order can't be canceled, after paying. - The shipping date may be delayed a little more on hand-made work. Seek your understanding. - In general, It takes about 80 days or a little longer days to make a ball jointed doll.
* payment 1. Paypal - Dollmore will send you a invoice via paypal.^^ 2. Paygate (direct credit card payment) 3. Bank transfer.

* 라미에의 또다른 모습~
* 주문제작방식으로 결제후 제작이 이미 시작된 아이는 주문취소가 불가능합니다.^^
* 배송은 주문후 2일에서 15일사이로 발송해 드립니다.^^
* Ramie Size =======================================
* Eye size : 14mm (Diameter)
* Tall : 52cm
* Circumference of Head : 19.4cm
* Circumference of neck : 9.5cm
* Circumference of chest : 22cm
* Width of shoulders : 8cm
* Circumference of waist : 21.5cm
* Circumference of hips : 24.5cm
* Lenth of "from hips to ankle" : 27cm
* Lenth of "from knee to ankle" : 13.5cm
* Foot size : 7cm -----------------------------------------------
* 작가 구미정님은...... 2003.03 비몽 아카데미과정 수료 2003.04 한국구체관절인형협회임원 2003.06 영화 '여우계단'인형협찬 2003.07 주)Yanns 주최 '제 1회 한국인형 신인작가展' 참가 2003.10 한국공예문화진흥원주최 "달을 닮은 Doll"참가 2003.12 동대문 Hello A.P.M (이벤트 초대전 참가) 2004.05 리바이스 "501페스티발'참가 2004.05 맥갤러리 ‘내마음속 작은여행 ’ 그룹전 2004.08 영화 '주홍글씨'인형제작 2004.10 한국공예문화진흥원주최 "영화속 추억의 향기"참가 2005.01 현대백화점 서울 순회전 참여 2005.10 히로시마 인형 교류전 참여 2006.06 히로시마 아트뮤지엄 요시코 호리작가의 초청전 참여 2006.11 서울 코엑스 1회 세계인형대축제 참여 2007.02 KT Culture center 후원 "Dreaming Doll" 참여 2007.03 후원,독일 "Puppenkunst aus Korea" 참여 2007.11 서울 코엑스 2회 세계인형대축제 참여
* 자올의 모든 판권과 원형에 대한 소유권은 돌모아에 있습니다.^^
* 디자인 등록출원 : 제 2006-50002호

* Styling Tip -Case1- EYE- D - Real 16mm Eyes (SR03) WIG- (7-8) Roman Long Wig (D.Gray) OUTFIT- SD - Pubis Club Set SHOES- Model Doll F(high heels's) Shoes - Cara Boots (Black) : It's big on her.. but.. ^^; -Case2- EYE- D - Real 16mm Eyes (SR02) WIG- (7-8) Semi Short Cut (Chestnut Brown) OUTFIT- MSD - Summer Dream Set (White) SD - Sweet Underwear Set (A) Zaoll - Dual Pants (Blue)

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Shipping information

* Dollmore shipping policy We can ship order by Fedex, EMS, Rincos and Kpacket. Shipping fee is charged based on box size. Therefore, when you buy a big size doll stuff, shipping fee will be very high. If you live in Euro and purchase less than 135 us dollar, we suggest you select Rincos shipping method because you do not need to pay VAT fee to receive the packet. 1. Standard shipping(EE-packet, Rincos): Weight limit : 2 kg 2. Express shipping(EMS, Fedex): No weight limit

AS guide

* Exchange and AS are possible only within 7 days of receipt.* * Any problems to dolls and doll stuffs, contact us within 1 week after receiving the packet.* * We do not accept returning of doll and doll parts because they are hand craft item that we start to make them after receiving payment.* * But we can reship new doll parts to you if your doll parts has been damaged in delivery.* * If customer do not receive parcels within 10 business days after shipping out, please contact us.* * Please note that some black and dark colored costumes may leave stain to the doll body skin color.* * When washing doll clothes, the shape of the lace may be damaged, and a large amount of fiber powder may be generated when drying with a dryer.*

Refund information

* If you wish to exchange or refund, please contact us by e-mail first or leave a word on the Q&A board. 'Q&A' board T:02-3432-4993 E-mail: , * Products such as custom-make-up ball-jointed dolls cannot be exchanged or refunded. All purchase of the damage sale item is final. * In the case of customer change of mind or incorrectly recognized information about the product and purchase, the cost of exchange and return is the responsibility of the consumer. Please purchase carefully. * Exchanges and refunds are only possible within 7 days of receipt.


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