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Antique Two Panel Partition (ONGW-002)
  • Consumer Price : 236.92 USD
  • Sales Price : 134.46 USD
  • Mileage : 1.57 USD
  • Weight : 8.00 Kg
  • Special Note : * Size: Height62cm x Width 63cm
  • Quantity : +1 -1
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* 선주문 안내 308,000원 핸드메이드 제품을 40% 세일하여 184,800원에 판매합니다. 선주문 상품으로 주문 후 보름에서 한 달 내외로 주문순으로 순차적으로 받으실 수 있습니다. -------------------------------------------- 정교한 장식과 곡선미가 뛰어난 아름다운 두 쪽 파티션입니다. 전체적으로 무광 톤으로 하얀 나무 위에 금빛으로 다양하고 화려하게 장식되어 있습니다. 화려한 전시를 위한 멋진 파티션입니다. 대부분 고무처런 탄성이 있는 재질로 장식되어서 다른 파티션에 비해서 가볍고 파손위험이 적습니다. 무게감 있는 원목과 합판을 결합하여 제작한 상품으로 질감이 고급스럽고 오래 두어도 틀어짐 없습니다. 나무 냄새가 참 좋아요, 인형을 보관할 때 이제는 멋지게 파티션 앞에 세워서 돌스탠드 없이도 안전하고 아름답게 전시 가능합니다. 핸드메이드 가구로 돌모아에서 자체 제작한 제품입니다. 모든 장식이 나무로 제작되어서 튼튼하고 색감이 좋습니다. 경첩은 크고 튼튼한 것으로 제작하여 파티션은 앞뒤로 접을 수 있습니다. 앞쪽으로는 90도까지 접혀서 다양한 각도로 연출이 가능합니다. 뒤쪽으로는 반으로 접혀서 접어서 보관이 가능하여 공간을 많이 차지 않고도 안전하고 실용적으로 사용 가능한 제품입니다. 적당한 무게감으로 인형 촬영 시 기대어서도 연출 가능하며 이동 및 보관이 편리합니다. 소량 한정 제작한 제품으로 꼭 구매하시고 싶으신 분은 서둘러 주문 바랍니다. 별도 조립이 필요하지 않은 조립 완제품입니다. 펼쳐서 바로 사용 가능합니다.
* Size1(접은사이즈) : 세로 620MM x 가로 310MM
* Size2(펼친사이즈) : 세로 620MM x 가로 630MM
* 포함내역 : 2쪽 파티션
* 무게 : 2.5kg
* 재료 : 나무, 금속 경첩과 나사.
* Model1: Judith Girl Doll - Bride of the Monster; Heizle - LE10(Head: 7-8 inches) + Height: 44.5cm)+ Kid Dollmore Girl Body (Height: 43.5cm)
* Model2: Youth Dollmore Eve - Mio (Ver 3) - LE10(head circumference 8-9 inches/Height: 57cm/22inch)
* Model3: Glamor Model Doll - Remembrance - Billy Colin - LE10(head circumference 8-9 inches/Height: 71cm/28inch)

* Pre-order information
* Notice: This hand-made item's original price is 277 us dollar. We add 40% off to this partition and sell this partition for 166.32 us dollar. If you buy this item, we need about 15 days to make it after receiving order. This partition is available for order until the end of the December 2023.. We sell this partition for limited time only. We promise to ship all of this partition until to the end of the Jan 2024 when you buy this partition by the end of the December 2023. -------------------------------------------------- -------- This is a beautiful two-part partition with elaborate decoration and outstanding curves. We add various and gold decoration on white wood with an overall matte tone. This partition made by delicately carving wood. So it is heavier and more stable than other partitions. This partition is made by combining heavy wood and plywood. The texture of this partition is luxurious and will not deteriorate even when you put it for a long time. I really like the smell of wood partition. We suggest you stand doll in front of the partition without doll stand when you store a doll. This is a handmade furniture product manufactured by Dollmore. All decorations are made of wood, so they are sturdy and have good color. We use large and strong hinge, so this partition can be folded back and forth. It can be folded up to 90 degrees in the front to create various angles. It can be folded in half at the back for storage. Safe and practical partition without taking up a lot of space. Appropriate weight allows you to lean against the doll when you photographing doll. It can be displayed and is convenient to move and store it. This product is producted in limited quantity. If you really want to purchase it, please buy it quickly. This is a fully assembled product that does not require separate assembly. You use it right away just unfold this partition.
* Size1 (folded size): height 620MM x width 310MM
* Size2 (unfolded size): height 620MM x width 630MM
* Included: 2-page partition
* Weight: 2.5kg
* Materials: wood, metal hinges and screws.
* Model1: Judith Girl Doll - Bride of the Monster; Heizle - LE10(Head: 7-8 inches) + Height: 44.5cm)+ Kid Dollmore Girl Body (Height: 43.5cm)
* Model2: Youth Dollmore Eve - Mio (Ver 3) - LE10(head circumference 8-9 inches/Height: 57cm/22inch)
* Model3: Glamor Model Doll - Remembrance - Billy Colin - LE10(head circumference 8-9 inches/Height: 71cm/28inch)

* Notice: It is a partition which is difficult to make it. However, it is a handmade product, so some brush strokes of the partition may be visible in some areas. There may be uneven nailing and bonding marks on the hinge area on the back. Slight lifting of the fabric attachment area, little cracks in the decoration area. There my be unevenness in paint of the partition. This partition is a beautiful handmade item. We make small quantities of this partition and sell it with low price because of the various shortcomings. This product cannot be exchanged or refunded, so we suggest you purchase it carefully.

* 참고 사항
* 정말 어렵게 제작하였지만 아쉽게도 핸드메이드 제품으로 하나하나 수작업으로 제작되다 보니 부분적으로 약간의 붓질자국및 얼룩 등이 있으며 뒷면에 경첩 부분에 균일하지 않은 못질이 있습니다. 본 상품은 매우 어렵게 제작된 아름다운 핸드메이드 작품입니다. 소량 제작하였으며 여러 가지 부족한 면을 생각하여 세일 판매합니다. 이 상품은 교환과 환불이 되지 않으니 신중한 구매 부탁드립니다. ☸ Style Tip-1
* Model1: Judith Girl Doll - Bride of the Monster; Heizle - LE10(Head: 7-8 inches) + Height: 44.5cm)+Kid Dollmore Girl Body (Height: 43.5cm) (7-8) DC Curl Wig (Black) MSD - ASRRP Dress (Black) MSD - Long Solid Stockings(Black) MSD - Macaron Mary Jane Shoes (Black ☸ Style Tip-2
* Model2: Youth Dollmore Eve - Mio (Ver 3) - LE10(head circumference 8-9 inches/Height: 57cm/22inch) (8-9) Hey PRin Wig (BB) MSD - BIRL Dress (B Ivory) SD Size - Net Stockings (White) SD (high heels) Shoes - Basic Shoes (White) ☸ Style Tip-3
* Model3: Glamor Model Doll - Remembrance - Billy Colin - LE10(head circumference 8-9 inches/Height: 71cm/28inch) (8-9) Saiz Cut Wig (Brown) Glamor Model M Size - Duke Turtleneck Sweater (Black) Glamor Model Size - Mae Coat (D.Beige) Glamor Model M Size - Skinny Buckle Pants (Black) Glamor Model - Mono Sim Shoes (Suede Black)
* 제작 : 돌모아(Dollmore)
* 본 가구의 디자인은 돌모아에 저작권이 있으며 무단복제및 차용을 금합니다.
* 디자인 등록출원 : 제 2006-50002호

Production: Dollmore
* The design of this furniture is copyrighted by Dollmore only. All of the unauthorized reproduction or borrowing is prohibited.
* Design registration application: No. 2006-50002

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Shipping information

* Dollmore shipping policy We can ship order by Fedex, EMS, Rincos and Kpacket. Shipping fee is charged based on box size. Therefore, when you buy a big size doll stuff, shipping fee will be very high. If you live in Euro and purchase less than 135 us dollar, we suggest you select Rincos shipping method because you do not need to pay VAT fee to receive the packet. 1. Standard shipping(EE-packet, Rincos): Weight limit : 2 kg 2. Express shipping(EMS, Fedex): No weight limit

AS guide

* Exchange and AS are possible only within 7 days of receipt.* * Any problems to dolls and doll stuffs, contact us within 1 week after receiving the packet.* * We do not accept returning of doll and doll parts because they are hand craft item that we start to make them after receiving payment.* * But we can reship new doll parts to you if your doll parts has been damaged in delivery.* * If customer do not receive parcels within 10 business days after shipping out, please contact us.* * Please note that some black and dark colored costumes may leave stain to the doll body skin color.* * When washing doll clothes, the shape of the lace may be damaged, and a large amount of fiber powder may be generated when drying with a dryer.*

Refund information

* If you wish to exchange or refund, please contact us by e-mail first or leave a word on the Q&A board. 'Q&A' board T:02-3432-4993 E-mail: , * Products such as custom-make-up ball-jointed dolls cannot be exchanged or refunded. All purchase of the damage sale item is final. * In the case of customer change of mind or incorrectly recognized information about the product and purchase, the cost of exchange and return is the responsibility of the consumer. Please purchase carefully. * Exchanges and refunds are only possible within 7 days of receipt.


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