(선주문) 본 상품은 선주문 상품으로
2024년 11월말에 입고 예정입니다.
입고후 순차적으로 발송됩니다.
* It is a pre-order item.
If you buy it, we can ship it to you at the end of November 2024.
This is a very detailed lace dress.
This doll dress is made a designer who makes dress for limited edition doll.
This is a luxurious dress with good quality.
It looks pretty even when you wear this dress to your doll alone.
If you have a petticoat, we suggest you wear petticoat in advance before wearing this dress
to make a rich image.
It also look nice to coordinate with a bonnet.
Bonnet of the photo is sold separately.
It looks pretty when you coordinate this dress with black stockings or shoes.
There is a snap button on the backside of this dress, so it is easy to put on and take off comfortably.
This dress also has a lot of wrinkles which makes this dress more pretty.
* Included: 1 dress
* Model: Judith Girl Doll - Bride of the Monster; Heizle - LE10 (Head: 7-8 inches) + Height: 44.5cm)+
Kid Dollmore Girl Body (Height: 43.5cm)
매우 디테일한 레이스 드레스입니다.
한정라인 전문 디자이너가 제작한
좋은 퀄리티의 고급스런 의상입니다.
혼자 원피스로 입어도 이쁘지만
속치마를 함께 입어서 풍성하게 연출해도 이뻐요.
보넷과 연출해도 좋구요~
보넷은 별도 판매중입니다.
검정 스타킹이나 구두와 연출해도 이뻐요.
등쪽에는 오픈형으로 스냅단추가 달려있어서
보다 편하게 입고 벗을수있습니다.
스커트에 주름이 많아서 아주 이쁘네요.
* 포함내역 : 원피스
* Model : Judith Girl Doll - Bride of the Monster ; Heizle - LE10(Head :7-8인치) + 키: 44.5cm)+
Kid Dollmore Girl Body (키 : 43.5cm)
☸ Style Tip
* Model:Judith Girl Doll - Bride of the Monster ; Heizle - LE10(Head :7-8인치) + 키: 44.5cm)+
Kid Dollmore Girl Body (키 : 43.5cm)
* Eyes : 12mm Classic Flat Back Oval Glass Eyes (CC01)
* Wig : (7-8) Monghanjuc Mohair (Carrot)
* Costume : MSD - ABDD Dress (Black)
* Hat : MSD - ABDD Bonnet (Black)
* Shoes : MSD - SKM Boots (Black)