We braid hair on both sides to this wig.
This wig has a thick hair and is able to make various style.
Well, if you tie its hair back , it will become hair style of diana who is the anne's best friend.
It is made of heat resistant hair and made in korea only.
* Included: 1 Wig
* Wig Hair Length : Partial to the end of the hair 33cm == 13 inch
* Model : Kid Dollmore Girl - Sona (Tall : 43.5cm == 17 inch/ Head Circumference : 7-8 inch/wear 14mm eyes )
* Notice: This wig color is white, so hair thick of this wig looks thin and inner skin color of wig cap is reflected.
Seeking your kind understanding at this point.
* Style Tip
Kid Dollmore Girl - Sona
14mm Guitaroska Resin Eyes (G-08)
MSD - YYT Dress (Yellow)
MSD - Sorisomum Mini Dress (White)
MSD - DM Flip Flop Shoes (Ivory)
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