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Premix 120g Modeling Clay
  • Sales Price : 1.92 USD
  • Mileage : 0.02 USD
  • Weight : 0.15 Kg
  • Special Note : * Capacity 120g
  • Quantity : +1 -1
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Mini size clay. It is a small capacity clay that is convenient to carry around or when you need a little more.^^ Premix is ​​a natural drying stone powder clay that has the characteristics between Premier and Radol developed to create the best stone powder clay with consistent conditions. It is a perfect natural drying stone powder clay that has both the excellent flexibility of Radol and the lightweight characteristics of Premier. Premix is ​​easy to use with chisels and sandpaper. It is strong enough to create thin and concave clay works like bowls. You can use all kinds of paints and finishing materials. It is the perfect material for making ball-jointed dolls, figures, miniatures, dioramas, etc. like Radol. It is a stronger and lighter stone powder clay premix Radol. The fine stone texture and excellent sculpting properties of Radol remain the same, but the strength has increased by 30%, the weight has decreased by 20%, and the quantity has been increased by 10%. It features a hard stone-like strength and a smooth and fine stone texture. The soft texture that does not stick to the hand has good sculpting properties, making various sculpting works easy and convenient. It can be used to make various sculpting works such as interior decorations, accessories, props, characters, dioramas, dollhouses, dolls, and figures. If you first cut the core material such as Iso Pink and then attach it, you can easily make large works. Pebble clay recommended by ball-jointed doll artists in Korea and Japan and used as the main material in all famous doll classes in Korea. It is a world-class best-selling clay.
* Capacity: 120gram
* Size: 10.5 x 6.5 x 1.5 cm

미니사이즈가 탄생했어요~!! 조그만 더 필요하실때나 휴대하실때 간편하신 작은 용량의 점토입니다.^^ 프리믹스는 일관성있는 조건의 최고의 석분점토를 만들기 위해 개발된 - 프리미어와 라돌의 중간 특성을 가진 - 자연건조식 석분점토입니다. 라돌의 우수한 유연성과 프리미어의 장점인 경량의 특성을 모두 가진 완벽한 자연건조식 석분점토입니다. 프리믹스는 조각도와 사포 사용이 용이합니다. 강도가 강해서 그릇같이 얇고 움푹 들어간 형태의 점토작품 제작도 가능합니다. 모든 종류의 물감과 마감재를 사용할 수 있습니다. 라돌처럼 구체관절인형, 피규어, 미니어쳐, 디오라마 등 제작에 완벽한 재료입니다. 더 강하고 가벼워진 석분점토 프리믹스 라돌입니다. 라돌의 고운 석질감과 뛰어난 조소성은 그대로지만 강도는 30% 증가, 무게는 20% 감소, 양은 더 많게 10% 증량포장하였습니다. 돌처럼 단단한 강도와 매끄럽고 고운 석질감이 특징입니다. 손에 붙지 않으면서 부드러운 질감은 조소성이 좋아 다양한 조형작업을 편하고 쉽게 해줍니다. 인테리어 장식품, 악세사리, 소품, 캐릭터, 디오라마, 돌하우스, 인형, 피규어 등 다양한 조형작품 제작에 사용할 수 있습니다. 아이소핑크등 심재를 먼저 깎고 그 위에 붙이면 대형작품도 손쉽게 만들 수 있습니다. 한국,일본의 구체관절인형작가들이 추천하고 국내 모든 유명 인형교실에서 주재료로 사용하는 석분점토. 세계적인 베스트셀러 점토입니다.
* 용량 120g
* 크기 : 10.5 x 6.5 x 1.5 cm
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Shipping information

* Dollmore shipping policy We can ship order by Fedex, EMS, Rincos and Kpacket. Shipping fee is charged based on box size. Therefore, when you buy a big size doll stuff, shipping fee will be very high. If you live in Euro and purchase less than 135 us dollar, we suggest you select Rincos shipping method because you do not need to pay VAT fee to receive the packet. 1. Standard shipping(EE-packet, Rincos): Weight limit : 2 kg 2. Express shipping(EMS, Fedex): No weight limit

AS guide

* Exchange and AS are possible only within 7 days of receipt.* * Any problems to dolls and doll stuffs, contact us within 1 week after receiving the packet.* * We do not accept returning of doll and doll parts because they are hand craft item that we start to make them after receiving payment.* * But we can reship new doll parts to you if your doll parts has been damaged in delivery.* * If customer do not receive parcels within 10 business days after shipping out, please contact us.* * Please note that some black and dark colored costumes may leave stain to the doll body skin color.* * When washing doll clothes, the shape of the lace may be damaged, and a large amount of fiber powder may be generated when drying with a dryer.*

Refund information

* If you wish to exchange or refund, please contact us by e-mail first or leave a word on the Q&A board. 'Q&A' board T:02-3432-4993 E-mail: , * Products such as custom-make-up ball-jointed dolls cannot be exchanged or refunded. All purchase of the damage sale item is final. * In the case of customer change of mind or incorrectly recognized information about the product and purchase, the cost of exchange and return is the responsibility of the consumer. Please purchase carefully. * Exchanges and refunds are only possible within 7 days of receipt.


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