It is the high quality glasses that is made by doll collectable brand dollmore.
We add strong and luxury plating to this glasses to make it smooth and strong enough.
This glasses fits well to Dolmore Dear Doll Apple, Bomi,Narang, Popo, Shabee in 7 inch head size.
This steel glasses will not make any damage to the doll because of it's fineness mold working.
It is impossible to fold this glases but it is very small and easy to keep it safe in every place.
There is no lens, so it's price is very cheap.
This is the high quality steel glasses which is made in korea.
* Included:1 steel glasses
* Size : Width 4.7 cm
* the sides of glasses 3.8 cm
* Model: Dollmore Dear Doll Narang ( Tall: 26.5cm)
* Notice: You may bend the glasses sides to change it's size according to your doll head.
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