100% Dollmore self-developed high quality acril eyes
Dollmore eyes have been made through epoxy process and Acrylic covering.
so you can buy variety of Dollmore eyes
with good quality and high transparency like an epoxy resin at moderate prices.
It has a ball shape and it's shipped out as put in a rounded eye case.
We hope that it gives you a great pleasure
in its low price, beautiful color and transparency~
* Monitor color and actuality eyeball color can be seen differently.
* Model by Dollmore Kid - Pado (14mm eyes fit well)
* Included: eye case + one pair of eyes
* Dollmore eyes will be shipped as put in the pretty case~!!!
* The Dollmore eyes in the case is 16mm Dollmore Eyes (H07)
* The buying 5 pairs + gift one pair EVENT does not apply to these eyes
* The pupils may be a little tilted, caused by manufacturing process.
We ask for your understanding regarding this matter.
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