Zaoll - Sank To A Whisper Luv - LE10


* Zaoll - Sank To A Whisper Luv - LE10
* Special Limited Edition - LE10 ----------------------------------------------- 손톱 아래 검은 흙 누가 볼까 자꾸 자꾸 조물조믈 깨물게 되던 더러운 손톱 움푺 꺼져버린 웅덩이 아래 꽁꼼 묶여 떠오르지 못하는 얼굴 하나 잊어버려지지 않는 이지러진 얼굴 깜짝깜짝 부르지 않아도 들려오던 이름 모든 계절이 겨울이 되어버린 그날의 이른 아침 이명 속에 들려오는 그립고 짭조롬한 너의 목소리 ----------------------------------------------- 물속에 담긴 아름다운 얼굴의 자올입니다.~ ^^ 많은 사랑 부탁드려요~ -----------------------------------------------
* 구성 : 자올 바디와 Luv 헤드, 안구, 가발, 의상셋트, 박스, 솜이불2장, 보증서. 인형설명서.
* 의상구성 : 저고리, 치마, 속치마, 속바지, 머리장식, 양말
* 안구 : 14mm - Optical Half Round Acrylic Eyes (MA03)/램덤발송
* 가발 : (7-8) DC Curl Wig (Black)

Black soil inside of my nails I bit my dirty nails because i afraid some see my dirty nails Under the deep puddle A face was tied up and cannot come up to my view However, i still remember that face Suddenly, an odd-sounding name comes to me again and again even i never called that name In the morning of that day All seasons have become winter In the tinnitus I hear your voice A missing and sadness tone ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zaoll comes to us with face sanking in the water
* Included: Zaoll body, Luv head(Make-up), acrylic eyes, Wig, Costume Set, Box, 2 Cushion, COA, Doll Manual
* Costume Set : jacket, dress, inner dress, head decoration, socks
* Eyes : (random eyes) 14mm - Optical Half Round Acrylic Eyes (MA03)
* Wig : (7-8) DC Curl Wig (Black)

* 주문제작방식으로 결제후 제작이 이미 시작된 아이는 주문취소가 불가능합니다.^^
* 배송은 주문후 2~3주사이로 발송해 드립니다.^^
* Zaoll Size ----------------------------------------
* Eye size : 14mm (Diameter)
* Tall : 52cm
* Circumference of Head : 19.4cm
* Circumference of neck : 9.5cm
* Circumference of chest : 22cm
* Width of shoulders : 8cm
* Circumference of waist : 21.5cm
* Circumference of hips : 24.5cm
* Lenth of "from hips to ankle" : 27cm
* Lenth of "from knee to ankle" : 13.5cm
* Foot size : 7cm ----------------------------------------
* 작가 구미정님은...... 2003.03 비몽 아카데미과정 수료 2003.04 한국구체관절인형협회임원 2003.06 영화 '여우계단'인형협찬 2003.07 주)Yanns 주최 '제 1회 한국인형 신인작가展' 참가 2003.10 한국공예문화진흥원주최 "달을 닮은 Doll"참가 2003.12 동대문 Hello A.P.M (이벤트 초대전 참가) 2004.05 리바이스 "501페스티발'참가 2004.05 맥갤러리 ‘내마음속 작은여행 ’ 그룹전 2004.08 영화 '주홍글씨'인형제작 2004.10 한국공예문화진흥원주최 "영화속 추억의 향기"참가 2005.01 현대백화점 서울 순회전 참여 2005.10 히로시마 인형 교류전 참여 2006.06 히로시마 아트뮤지엄 요시코 호리작가의 초청전 참여 2006.11 서울 코엑스 1회 세계인형대축제 참여 2007.02 KT Culture center 후원 "Dreaming Doll" 참여 2007.03 후원,독일 "Puppenkunst aus Korea" 참여 2007.11 서울 코엑스 2회 세계인형대축제 참여
* 자올의 모든 판권과 원형에 대한 소유권은 돌모아에 있습니다.^^
* 디자인 등록출원 : 제 2006-50002호
* 의상디자인 : Owa

* Zaoll Size ----------------------------------------
* Eye size : 14mm (Diameter)
* Tall : 52cm
* Circumference of Head : 19.4cm
* Circumference of neck : 9.5cm
* Circumference of chest : 22cm
* Width of shoulders : 8cm
* Circumference of waist : 21.5cm
* Circumference of hips : 24.5cm
* Lenth of "from hips to ankle" : 27cm
* Lenth of "from knee to ankle" : 13.5cm
* Foot size : 7cm ----------------------------------------
* Information about order and shipment - As based on 'Production after order' system, your order can't be canceled, after paying. - The shipping date may be delayed a little more on hand-made work. Seek your understanding. - In general, It takes about 80 days or a little longer days to make a ball jointed doll.
* payment 1. Paypal - Dollmore will send you a invoice via paypal.^^ 2. Paygate (direct credit card payment) 3. Bank transfer. Bank name: Korea first Bank account: 431-20-243375 reciever: lee eun young) Bank tel: 82- 2- 521- 9252 Bank address : KOREA FIRST BANK 1675-1 Seochodong Seochogu Seoul 137-070 Korea Gyodaeyeok Br.
* Design registration No. 2006-50002
* Costume Design : Owa
* Designed by Gu Mi-Jung March,2003 Completed Bimond's Doll Academy April,2003 Korea Ball Jointed Doll Association executive member June, 2003 Movie"Whispering Corridors 3: Wishing Stairs,2003" provided dolls July, 2003 Exhibit in "The New Artist of Korean Doll" October,2003 Exhibit in "Chungju International Craft Biennale" Sponsored by Korean Creaft Promotion Foudation October,2003 Exhibit in "Guangju Shginsegye Gallery Doll Exhibition" December, 2003 Exhibit in "Dongdaemoon Hello A.P.M Event Exhibition" 2004, Designed "NARSHA" April, 2004 Exhibit in "3rd TOY FAIR" May, 2004 Exhibit in " Group Exhibition" in Mac Gallery May, 2004 Exhibit in "Ball Jointed Doll Exhibition" sponsored by LEVI STRAUSS&CO August,2004 Movie "The Sacrlet Letter,2004" provided dolls.(NARSHA) October,2004 Exhibit in "The scent of memory in Movie"Sponsored by Korean Creaft Promotion Foudation January, 2005 Exhibit in "5th TOY FAIR" January, 2005 Exhibit in "Seoul Exhibition"Sponsored by Department Store HYUNDAI October, 2005 Exhibit in "Korea Japan Ball Jointed Doll Exhibition" in Hiroshima 2006, Designed "Zaoll" June, 2006 Participation in Yoshiko Hon's Ball Jointed Doll Exhibition in Hiroshima City Art mMuseum. December, 2006 Seould COEX"1st World Doll Festival"Participation 2007, Designed"Q.pito" Febraury,2007 KT Culture Center sponsorship"Dreaming Doll Exhibition" May, 2007 German Toy Industry Museum sponsorship"Puppenkunst aus Korea"Exhibition December,2007 Seould COEX"2nd World Doll Festival"participation