This is high-quality, fast-acting, strong transparent adhesive which is resistant to heat, water and shock.
It hardens in about 5 minutes at room temperature after fixing the joint,
and it's strength reaches practical strength after 30 minutes.
It is economical adhesive which can be stored lying down and can be used in full.
It is a safe product that does not contain formalin or organic solvents.
It bonds to wood, veneer, cardboard, metal, rubber, ceramics, cork, foam materials, paper, card, etc.
It is effective for bonding different types of hard and soft materials and is easy to bond soft and hard PVC.
However, you cannot use it on nylon, polyethylene, polypropylene, or silicone.
* 사용 방법 : 1. 접착면은 언제나 건조하고 먼지나 기름기, 이물질이 없도록 합니다. 가죽, 고무의 접착면의 유분은 반드시 사포로 갈아서 제거해 줍니다. 2. 접착부분하고 하는 부분 양쪽 모두에 접착제를 고루 바릅니다. 흡수량이 많은 부분은 2회 바릅니다. 3. 사용후 제품의 입구를 깨끗이 닦고 뚜껑을 완벽하게 닫아서 보관해주세요. * 원산지 : 독일 * 용량 : 50g ![]() ![]() |