* 신발안쪽의 안감이 망가져서 세일 들어갑니다. 세일상품은 교환및 환불이 되지 않으니 신중한 구매 부탁드려요~ * Notice: There is little crack inside of this boots. So we sell it with very low price. It is impossible to refund or exchange damage sale item. ------------------------------------------------------------
These long boots have a cool crocodile leather pattern.
The embossed leather-like pattern is unique and stylish~
Wide front and round style boots are very cute and unique.
This boots fits well MSD size dolls including Dollmore Kids, Dollmore Judith and Dollmore Catish doll.
* Size : 6.5cm * 3.5cm * 11cm * 모델 : 돌모아키즈 루 (키: 43cm) |