[Limited Outfit Set] Mystic Doll Size - Ruby Cave Outfit Set - LE10


* [Limited Outfit Set] Mystic Doll Size - Ruby Cave Outfit Set - LE10
* Special Limited Edition - LE10 ===============================================
* Mystic Doll - Ruby Cave Mermaid; Red Tara - LE10 위 아이의 20벌한정으로 제작된 의상입니다. 매우 디테일한 멋진 한정의상입니다. 독특한 의상을 원하시는 분들께 추천드립니다. ===============================================
* 참고 : 인어바디와 유디트 바디에 잘 맞습니다.
* 의상셋트구성 : 머리장식, 가슴장식, 허리장식, 꼬리장식. (모든장식은 수작업으로 제작되었으며 전문아티스트이 작품입니다.)

* [Limited Outfit Set] Mystic Doll Size - Ruby Cave Outfit Set - LE10
* Special Limited Edition - LE10
* Mystic Doll - Ruby Cave Mermaid; Red Tara - LE10 This costume set is limited to 20 piece only. This is a wonderful limited edition costume with great detail. We recommend this dress set for customers who want to buy a unique outfit.
* Notice 1: It fits well to Mermaid body and Judith body.
* Costume Set Included: head decoration, chest decoration, waist decoration, tail decoration.
* Notice 2: All decorations are handmade items. All decorations are made by professioal designers.

* 바로 발송가능한 제품입니다.
* 착용 모델의 사이즈입니다.
* Mermaid Doll - Tara Size 1. Tall (전체키) : 58cm 2. Body length not include a head (바디높이) : 53cm 3. Length from hip to knee (엉덩이~무릎길이) : 13cm 4. Length from knee to calf (무릎~ 복숭아뼈) : 15cm 5. Circumference of neck (목둘레) : 6cm 6. Width of shoulders (어깨넓이) : 5.5cm 7. Circumference of chest (가슴둘레) : 19.2cm 8. Circumference of waist (허리둘레) : 12.3cm 9. Circumference of hips (엉덩이둘레) : 22.5cm 10. Circumference of Wrist (손목둘레) : 4.5cm 11. Length from shoulder to wrist include a wrist ball (어깨~손목구) : 13.5cm 12. Circumference of ankle (발목둘레) : 7cm 13. Length from hip to Heel (엉덩이~발뒤꿈치) : 28cm 14. Length of Foot size : 10cm
* 디자인 등록출원 : 제 2006-50002호

* We can clothes of the photo to you immediately.
* Here is the doll body size of the photo
* Mermaid Doll - Tara Size 1. Tall (total height): 58cm 2. Body length not include a head (body height): 53cm 3. Length from hip to knee (hip to knee length): 13cm 4. Length from knee to calf: 15cm 5. Circumference of neck: 6cm 6. Width of shoulders: 5.5cm 7. Circumference of chest: 19.2cm 8. Circumference of waist: 12.3cm 9. Circumference of hips: 22.5cm 10. Circumference of Wrist: 4.5cm 11. Length from shoulder to wrist include a wrist ball (shoulder ~ wrist ball): 13.5cm 12. Circumference of ankle: 7cm 13. Length from hip to Heel: 28cm 14. Length of Foot size: 10cm
* Design registration application: No. 2006-50002