(7-8) Notre Long Cat Wig (Peach)


* (7-8) Notre Long Cat Wig (Peach)
* 0902/Ja/M/D29(CAT)/F15+22 The wig is for a Catish Doll Reaa with cat ears~ Long wig with a really nice natural wave~ It'a made of high quality hair by domestic production It matches so well with any girlish face-up and clothes. or It would be a good item to create a romantic atmosphere.
* Included : wig
* Model by Catish Doll - Black lac Reaa (44.5cm tall)

* 0902/Ja/M/D29(CAT)/F15+22 돌모아의 'Catish Doll Reaa'를 위한 가발입니다. 아름다운 색상의 독특한 투톤가발입니다.^^ 길고 웨이브가 자연스러워서 멋진 연출에 좋습니다~! 여성스럽고 아름다운 가발이네요.^^
* 구성 : 가발
* 모델 : Catish Doll - Black lac Reaa (키: 44.5cm)