Mokashura Size - Cochine Panty Stocking (Orange)


Here is panty stockings with transmundane pattern. Very special and fashionable pattern.:)) It has high tight cotton with good elasticity.
* Included: 1 panty stockings
* Model: Mokashura Doll - Duyou (Normal; 40.5cm -- 16inch)

형이상학적인 무늬의 팬티스타킹입니다. 독특한 패턴이 패션러블하네요.^^ 탄력이 좋고 조직이 촘촘하네요.^^
* 구성 : 팬티스타킹
* 모델 : Mokashura Doll - Duyou (Normal; 40.5cm)